Does he drink (na...does pot and pain med abuse count?)
Violent tendencies (wife has a PPO ...he stalks and abuses phones and email)
Drug abuse (above)
Criminal background (x2 , burglary and theft did time on both counts)
Verbally abusive (see the PPO he's made contact on several family members over the years)
Did I mention he possesses 3 handguns that are not registered in his state of residence. We alerted the police who dont care to follow up. 3 times.. the guns were involved in one incident.
This guy has had the DHS investigate "sexual" things, spanking, beating and virgin sacrifices that have allegedlly happened in my home or the homes of relatives. All have bee unfounded. He was cited for beating his son with a paddle, however.
Every year he files a motion to get full custody. The DHS and Freind of Court tender their information. After hearings held the last 2 years we got permission to place the child in our school district... and we had to petition to move out of state for work.
"DAD" has worked about 1 year of the last 5. We pay for all support etc. He owes $500 for med payments (we have been filing for payment on those for 2 years now). Last year, while he was out of work... he asked for full custody and us to pay him enought child support to make him a living wage.
When we were in state 'DAD' would call the Sherrif to do a welfare check about once a month.. it gets tiresome to let the deputies come in to see a happy or sleeping kid.
He pulled the kid out of school mid day once... took him to the state police and had a forensic interview for sexual abuse done. By law, he kidnapped the kid and the School could have been sued for letting him leave without telling us. NO ONE WOULD PUSH THIS!
He called our local SO the other night... kiddo was arguing with his brother and I hollered at a dog while he was on the phone with "Dad".... About an hour later the Deputies pull up..." a guy from X says you were screaming at CXXXX and his brother was beating him"... about 2 minutes in my house they had the picture and left without a report.
He files IRS returns claiming the child... he has him way less than 50% of the time. Every year I get a IRS letter to explain why we claim the kid... The IRS does nothing to chase the looser down for tax fraud. Plus..I have to WAIT for my refund now.
As part of the last modification we have to make a phone available 6 hours a week for DAD to call the kid. DAD has told the kid to tell his school that we beat him. Last night DAD told the kid that the Sherrif should have done more the other he was being "abused" and such (he likes to put crap in the kids head and guilt trip him)
Did I mention he tapes all calls without permission... and now he does it across state lines... I've talked to the US AG , both states' AG and the Prosecutor in his county ...they all know the law but wont follow up.
I could go on and on. Until you guys have to put up with this hell you could never understand it. Fairness should be reserved for fair people.