by V 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • V

    Snakes..The WT comments I like the best,make me laugh..You made me laugh..ApplauseApplause..............Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW


    Q9) What should we bear in mind when sharing Scriptural information?

    9) Most truths contained in God's Word are in themselves relatively simple. It may be, though, that people with whom we study the Bible have been confused by the doctrines of false religion. Our role as teachers is to make the Bible easy to understand. Effective teachers convey information simply, clearly, and accurately. If we follow this guideline, we will not make the truth more complicated than it needs to be. Avoid unnecessary details. There is no need to comment on every aspect of a scripture that we read. Simply focus on what is essential to clarifying the point under consideration. The student will come to appreciate deeper Scriptural truths as he progresses in his understanding.-Heb. 5:13,14.


    Great work! And I thought only Mary had all the venom for the WTS.

    Notice what they say in paragraph 9 about how God's word is simple and easy to understand.Follow the link and see what the WTS really teach. These are the strange beliefs they teach at : http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/2919/reasons.html

    101 Strange Beliefs and Practices of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • Gopher

    Are we 1 week ahead? Maybe I haven't been paying attention.

    This lesson looks like the one for the Sunday, March 2nd meeting.

  • V

    Oopsie! The dates have been corrected.

  • dinah

    Good job, Snakes. Give the new kitty a hug for me. Hope he's feeling at home with you.

  • BabaYaga

    Thanks, V and Snakes!!!

  • The Oracle
    The Oracle

    Abolutely fantastic!

    Are you getting sick of my praise for this?

    My apologies if you are.

    I'll keep promoting it either way.

    The Oracle

  • Hope4Others

    Thanks for keeping me up to date since it's been years since I've see a recent watchtower. All I have is old volumes.

    Again great job, thanks for all the work you put into this.


  • brinjen

    Snakes, that was brilliant, loved every minute. Funny how something I used to dread every week is now one of my highlights.

    I often went out with only a bible in hand (albeit the NWT, but at least I tried). You would laugh at the look of shock on the householder’s face when I walked away after not trying to shove a Watchtower in their hands. Priceless.

    I used to work in the field misery with an eldery brother, lovely man he was. Rarely saw him with the Craptower or Asleep, just went around door to door with a bible in his suit pocket. Struck up a conversation on just about every door, simply but not trying to sell them anything, not trying to get a study, just wanting to leave them with a nice thought. Rarely got a door slammed on him, nearly always left the householder with a big smile on their face. I loved working with him too as it meant I didn't have to do any presentations.

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