by V 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • kurtbethel

    "Most truths contained in God's Word are in themselves relatively simple. It may be, though, that people with whom we study the Bible have been confused by the doctrines of false religion. Our role as teachers is to make the Bible easy to understand. Effective teachers convey information simply, clearly, and accurately. If we follow this guideline, we will not make the truth more complicated than it needs to be. Avoid unnecessary details. There is no need to comment on every aspect of a scripture that we read. Simply focus on what is essential to clarifying the point under consideration."

    The reality is that it takes a copy of the Watchtower to really muddle up a simple passage of the Bible. With convoluted irrationality and nonsensical contrivances, even the most straightforward Bible passage can be rendered into a steaming mass of Watchtowerthinc.

    Come on, roast me baby!

  • avishai


  • SnakesInTheTower


    i used to work with an elderly brother that did the same, though he used to stick his foot in the door if they tried to close it before he was done.

    Snakes ()

    PS....I originally had Uncle Milty's pic where Jaracz pic is now. V caught that little detail that Milty is dead...LOL....though I liked Milty's pic better (he had no smile and creepy eyes), V was right that it might confuse someone to have a dead advisor...LOL

  • Gopher
    V caught that little detail that Milty is dead...LOL....though I liked Milty's pic better (he had no smile and creepy eyes), V was right that it might confuse someone to have a dead advisor...LOL

    But Snakes-guy, don't you know that Milty has been resurrected and is helping provide spiritual food from heaven?

  • blondie

    Note is paragraph one "Christians" but meaning only jws. How many jws think there is more to it than going d2d. How many make return visits let alone effective ones, how many want to be tied down to conducting a bible study, definitely not on weekends or evenings.

    Paragraph 2--"effective Christian ministers" only jws, how many jws know or want to "reach the hearts of people"?

    Paragraph 3--one dictionary (which one?)...effective teachers...correct understanding (WTS viewpoint)...effective ministers....regular basis

    Paragraph 4--Jehovah...through the visible part of his organization, he provides his servants on earth (only jws) with guidance. Can only have contact with God through the organization (WTS)....effective proclaimers...main textbook Bible---but only through WTS publications.

  • WTWizard

    When I was in, song 6 was one of my favorites, likely because they played it during the first Grand Boasting Session I attended. Now, I see it as yet another way to program the spiritual botnet that constitutes the regular members to go out in field circus. Declare the Everlasting Good Snooze is more like it.

  • Layla33

    V, you give me hope. I love watching your videos.

  • WTWizard

    I think they left out a big step. You cannot teach anyone the Watchtower version of the Bible if people are not at home or they slam the doors in your faces. And, I was not interested in committing myself to wasting an hour a week, every week, for something like a study of some book that is not even wholly based on the Bible.

    I learned a few tricks on how to waste time in the misery, however. One of those was when we were going to a bookstore to hit on people browsing. I split up from the group, and lost no time finding a section where there were no people. I started browsing the books myself, and ended up wasting the whole morning without placing a damn thing. Well, maybe not a total waste--I did return to buy a book.

  • lrkr

    OK let me see if I got it:

    1. Over simplify and cherry pick scriptures
    2. Guilt trip
    3. Encourage student to self identify with material
    4. Love bomb
    5. Attribute what we say to the divine (pray with them)
    6. Repeat

    Did I miss anything??

    Wow! In most languages "teach" indicates training someone to think critically, problem solve, analyze, characterize, etc. No mention of that right???

  • lrkr

    Oops- forgot a step-

    Require them to repeat what the book says (use questions)- makes it difficult to question it if you said it.

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