by V 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SnakesInTheTower


    don't you know that Milty has been resurrected and is helping provide spiritual food from heaven?

    that's kinda what I thought when I put Henschel's pic throughout. I think an editorial decision was made. LOL Looks like everything else was left alone.

    Thanks to V for giving me a shot at my 15 minutes seconds of fame. I wonder when I will get caught and called to account. MENE MENE TEKEL PARSIN...The handwriting is on the wall for 'ol Snakes.

    OUTLAW...if I made you laugh, then my day has been made and my time spent was worth while.

    Believe me, it was definitely intended as tongue-in-cheek and hopefully make someone smile...maybe even think. I took this article because it didnt require lots of deep research .. call me lazy..but after 23 years baptized and constantly studying more than the average R&F, I definitely am kicking back now...heh heh...

    Snakes ()

  • ldrnomo

    Snakes, that was brilliant, loved every minute. Funny how something I used to dread every week is now one of my highlights.

    My sentiments too. I now love studying the Watchtower. The borg may improve their meeting attendance if they start using the forums studies instead of following the GB's commands

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Brother Snakes... er, I mean... Brother InTheTower, I'd like to comment on

    Para 14,15 A: What can a Bible student learn about Jehovah?
    Exodus 34:7 concludes, "by no means will he give exemption from punishment, bringing punishment for the error of fathers upon sons and upon grandsons, upon the third generation and upon the fourth generation." So, we need to make gosh darn sure that our Bible students know that Jehovah has no qualms about killing people for any perceived infraction, and kill their kids, and their kids' kids, and their kids' kids' kids. So, they better know that they have to attend every freakin' meeting and only practice FDS approved sexual positions, or Jehovah will kill them all. But then Jehovah may already plan to kill them if their parents weren't JWs, and their parents' parents, and their parents' parents' parents.

    Actually, I couldn't figure out why the lesson couldn't just end at paragraph 4, "The Theocratic Ministry School regularly reminds us that we will become more skilled as teachers if we base our teaching on God's Word, use questions effectively, teach with simplicity, and show a sincere interest in others.... Then we will discuss how to reach a student's heart." Okay, they just summarized the next 40 minutes of wasted time. So, why is there a WT study covering the same sales crap as the TMS and Service Meeting? As an ex-Bethel insider, I'll take a shot at answering that one...

    Three conflicting groups within WTBTS are involved here: Writing Committee, Teaching Committee, and Service Department. No, they don't see eye-to-eye on things, and I am simplifying somewhat. The Watchtower and the material for the Watchtower Study comes under the authority of the Writing Committee. Although the publications for the TMS come from Writing, authority for what is covered int he TMS comes under the Teaching Committee. The Branch Service Department particularly has authority over the Service Meeting. Consequently, since the lack of growth in the bOrg is quite evident to all the committees, the Writing Committee has to start hounding on the R&F even more since the Teaching Committee and Service Department clearly aren't hounding enough.

    Obviously, if Jesus Christ was really in charge, the GB would all be able to literally heal the sick, raise the dead, and people would flock to WTBTS without anybody needing to knock on doors. The Grand Boasting Sessions would be used to teach everyone the 'truth' at once. Judicial committees wouldn't exist since no one would want to ever leave. And Armageddon would have come in 1914 while all the Bible Students were measuring the Great Pyramid.

    Thanks Snakes and V, I'll now sit down and shut up.

  • fokyc

    Absolutely brilliant, and just think my wife is in the KH right now!

    listening to the dry drivel,

    You made it come alive!

    Thanks, both of you for the hard work.


  • Room 215
    Room 215

    In these new ``kool-aid for the initiated" JW-only WTs, it appears that the Service Dept. is out-muscling the eggheads in its Writing Dept, for column inches. Tthe antagonism between the two departments is an open secret at Bethel, and has been for years.

    Moreover, the whole new Sunday policy is idiotic; not only are the talks not really for the public, but JWs never seem to ask what happens when a stranger wants to stay for the WT study... what do they tell him/her: ``sorry, this is for JWs only?"

  • moomanchu

    I like how they emphasized being sincere teachers, the avereage JW doesn't give a sh**
    about field service "just got to get your time in."

    When I was out knocking on doors, seeing some people with hectic stressful lives,
    I used to think what I'm offering these people will only make their lives worse.

    Thanks for the commentary

  • blondie

    Paragraph 5

    Jesus, the greatest of all human teachers based his teachings on the Scriptures"

    Jesus never wrote a scroll or printed a book, the Bible was enough. jws cannot teach with WTS publications.

    Paragraph 6

    Christian teacher = only jws

    "deciding which of the cited scriptures" Why does the WTS provide scriptures that aren't to be read?

    Paragraph 7

    How many jws know how to ask skillful questions without parroting what is in the book; does the WTS really want the jw to go beyond the publication?

    Must arrive at the "right understanding" the WTS viewpoint is the only "right" understanding

    Paragraph 8

    Majority of people...will quickly be able to answer the printed questions, using the information in the corresponding paragraphs (NOT IN THE BIBLE?)

    I wonder what questions they will ask to convince them that the Bible forbids men to wear beards?

    Paragraph 9

    MOST truths in God's Word are...relatively simple (And if not, it is because it is WTS doctrine/policy and is not in the Bible)

    Avoid unnecessary details (Like why it was 1874 then 1914 as to the presence of Christ; or that Armageddon was coming in 1914, 1920, 1925, 1975)

    Paragraph 10

    Read, grasp, and accept the truths present in God's Word (actually presented in the WTS publications)

    Paragraph 11

    No one needs to be an intellectual to understand (the Bible). Unless you are trying to understand why the WTS has inserted "Jehovah" in the NT.

    Paragraph 12

    to be effective (notice how often the WTS uses this word)...if he followed scriptural direction (but only as it comes through the WTS organization)

    *** w05 3/15 p. 24 Highlights From the Book of First Samuel ***As we offer to Jehovah "the young bulls of our lips," we must do our best to obey the direction he gives through his written Word and the earthly part of his organization.—Hosea 14:2; Hebrews 13:15.

    Paragraph 13

    Be sure to add the "command" to attend meetings. What other "commands" does the WTS have, which book study to go to, which congregation to attend, which assembly/convention to attend; not to eat at vendors at conventions; can you find the scriptures for those. Where did Jesus or God command Christians to attending 5 weekly meetings?

    Paragraph 14

    Know God but not Jesus as a person...use an OT scripture and cut out Jesus again.

    Paragraph 15

    Will students or any jw experience intervention by God as the Bible says he did in Moses' life? Or does the WTS say that God only acts on jws "as a group"?

    *** w03 8/15 p. 23 par. 18 What Does Jehovah Expect of Us? ***and protects us as a group when we are under attack by opposers.

    Paragraph 16

    only righthearted persons will listen; not interested in jws, not righthearted

    Is for love of the people at door, or to assure their own everlasting life that jws go door to door? How much time or love do they really show, do they come back timely to talk again with people, do they do more than just place WT publications, will they go on Saturday afternoons, Sunday afternoons, and weekday evenings or are they too busy?

    Paragraph 17

    nonjws are not "genuine disciples of Christ" even if they read the Bible daily, talk to others about God, and do charity work.

    Paragraph 18

    Pray with student, but student is not qualified to pray. Many jws need to learn how to pray, sincerely.

    Paragraph 19

    are 6.5 million jws really developing the "art of teaching" or only getting in "time" (1 hour a month minimum) with no goal to "make disciples"? That is why the majority of those being baptized today are children of jws, not people from the general public.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    see...this is more like it...us amateurs can only take our cracks at WT Comments, but Blondie is the Sage of WT Comments. Love it as always Blondie.

    I'll do bettter next time...if there is a next time.

    Snakes ()


    Main Entry:
    2 sage
    14th century
    1 : one (as a profound philosopher) distinguished for wisdom
  • Pistoff

    Paragraph 11:
    The simplicity of Scriptural truth attracts and satisfies sincere people. No one needs to be an intellectual to understand it.

    Put another way: the uneducated and easily misled are more likely to be attracted to the simplistic nonsense we dispense.


    The Origin of Satan, Elaine Pagels

    Very interesting read about how the the perception of who Satan is changes in character from OT to NT and how the view of
    who Satan most influences changes from the first gospel to the last.

    Right now I am reading Conversations with Paul; it deals with how Paul was influenced by the Septuagint, competing religious philosophies of
    his day and how those factors are seen in his writings.
    Very satisfying.


  • Pistoff

    And of course the unspoken corollary to this:

    The simplicity of Scriptural truth attracts and satisfies sincere people. No one needs to be an intellectual to understand it.

    is this:

    If you reject the "simplicity" of scriptural truth, AS WE DISPENSE IT, you are INSINCERE. Get it? If you are an intellectual who needs
    to verify, to put things in perspective or can't see the black and white nature of the issues, we don't want you.

    What a great position: we have it, if you don't get it, you are insincere, unfitting, we don't want you. Not only that, it is not open
    to discussion.


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