by V 36 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BluesBrother

    13]His motivation for responding to Scriptural commands should be his desire to obey Jehovah , not to please the person who is studying with him.-Gal. 6:4, 5.

    Obey Jehovah? or serve the 'Tower? The cleverest trick is to get them to believe that one is the same as the other...

    17] we can show a sincere interest in each Bible student by taking time to get to know him. .

    He is going to be so puzzled and disappointed when he's has been baptized and they can no longer count the time, so it is 'on to the next project'

  • SnakesInTheTower


    He is going to be so puzzled and disappointed when he's has been baptized and they can no longer count the time, so it is 'on to the next project'

    NO KIDDING!! In my old congo in Death Valley Midwest (my nickname for them), the Service Overseer/Regular Pioneer liked to take people under his wings...supposedly to help them spiritually. He always had these pointless studies..they never did anything....they just were lonely most of them....some of them were mentally off (to be kind)....or if they were relatively "normal", then he would suck them into his real "project"...selling telephone service for ACN (MLM scam)...so they could be his downline..and he would make lots of money on their commissions.... oh wait..I thought their commission was to preach the Good Snooze? My bad.

    I remember one sister who had an UBM who this pioneer/elder sucked into it...they would go out to eat, golfing, spend time together outside of "Bible" ::gag:: study,....but as soon as the UBM quit selling ACN...you guessed it: 'on to the next project'. The UBM died on the vine and the sister struggled. I don't know where they are now, but the elder is still there, playing his scam. I wonder if anyone besides the elders ever found out what this superstar elder did a few years ago?..He should have been removed.... (no kiddies involved...thankfulyl)


    Snakes ()

  • snowbird

    Good job, Snakes.

    You kept it humorous and you kept it real.


  • Mary

    Excellent work Snakes! I'm adding my own two cents to yet another nauseating study article from The Chosen Ones:

    Despite the wonderful works of healing that Jesus performed during his earthly ministry, he was primarily known, not as a healer or a miracle worker, but as a teacher .

    Source? How does the Writing Dept. "know" what Jesus was "primarily known" for? Did they find some ancient polls where people were asked this question? Was there a first-century game show like Jepordy for Jews where this subject was brought up? As per usual, they pluck their assumption out of their asses thin air. Even if Jesus were known first for his teaching, does that mean that Christians today shouldn't bother doing anything for the poor?? Since the WTS is worth billions of dollars, surely they could afford a few soup kitchens.

    Through the visible part of his organization, he provides his servants on earth with guidance as to how they should fulfill their preaching commission. (Isa. 30:20, 21) In this regard, So, what we say either in the doorto-door ministry or at home Bible studies should center on the authority of God's Word. (2 Tim. 3:16, 17) No amount of clever reasoning on our part can possibly equal the effectiveness and power of the inspired Scriptures.

    First grasp of reality they've had so far. I guess this might explain their dismal increases and bad publicity each year: No amount of clever reasoning can really disguise what they really are.

    The skillful use of questions stimulates thinking and helps the teacher to reach the student's heart. So instead of explaining scriptures to your student, ask him to explain them to you. Sometimes an additional question or even a series of questions might be needed to help your student arrive at the right understanding.

    Translation: When your study interprets a scripture that is contrary to what the Borg teaches, you need to jump from scripture to scripture in order to confuse them to the point where they'll accept what you're saying. If they don't, you better drop them at this point and 'turn them over to Satan'.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Source? How does the Writing Dept. "know" what Jesus was "primarily known" for? Did they find some ancient polls where people were asked this question? Was there a first-century game show like Jepordy for Jews where this subject was brought up? As per usual, they pluck their assumption out of their asses thin air.

    Especially since this is supposedly "life saving" spiritual food . Hell, I am headed to the library right now to do research (on a Japanese haiku poet named Basho) to do a 5-7 page literary critique for class. You think I could use that Writing Dept. method of documenting sources? HELL NO!. I better have at least 1 primary and 4 secondary sources or that paper won't fly. And I better be able to prove it....and I better quote properly....unlike the Craptower Dribble and Spit Society and its flagship pukelication, The Craptower and its bastard child publication, Asleep!(a university education unto itself).

    Speaking of Writing Dept., I wonder how much "writing" they actually do and how much "cut and paste" they do these days? Probably about as much as the "Art" Department does. Between PhotoShop and DigitalWisdom map software, my guess is very little. (look at the maps next time you pick up a Craptower...check for (C) in tiny 3pt font.)

    And we are supposed to trust these a$$holes? I think not. Thank you Mary for your point about the "teaching" method of confusing the students with multiple scriptures. I remember they used to take such pride in that particular method at Pioneer School...just not for the reasons you stated. LOL

    Snakes ()

  • heathen

    Looks like another snooze fest . They do ignore the scripture that states not all are called as teachers and the part where jesus to call no man rabbi or teacher. I'd like to know why they didn't mention the name of the dictionary they used to define art as something learned or studied.

  • crazyblondeb


    You did a bang up job!! clap1clap1clap1clap1clap1clap1


    But all I really really heard was blablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablablabla

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