Being in limbo as I am I have to not really. Thankfully it is coming to a close soon.
Do you ever miss it? Ever?
by AK - Jeff 59 Replies latest jw experiences
Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
I miss the closeness of some of the friends we had. That's all. However, I know that it came at a price, I knew it even then. I don't like to pay for things that should be given freely, like love, for one.
The social aspects, yes. The actual religious doctrine, no. I remember when I was 'active' that I could almost sense there were two religions existing simultaneously. I had many friends in the JW's that were not particularly religious (in the meeting attendance and lots of hours in field service category). Still they held the beliefs but we just hung out because we trusted each other. I miss that part. But that doesn't make me sit around and mope. What I've realized is that if you can create that type of atmosphere (I think it was locally rather than organization wide) with some false doctrine and no toleration of alternate opinions, how much better of an atmosphere can you create with toleration and the freedom to express what you believe to be true. I try to create that atmosphere everywhere I go.
I think one of the key elements to the socialization of the JW's is shared experiences. Marines have a bond because of boot camp. Survivors of tragic events have shared experiences that draw them closer. JW's have a bond because of 5+ hours together every week with similar routine along with shared reading materials and activities (service). Any time you can get yourself involved with a group that results in shared experiences, I think you will find a closer bond. Hopefully they are positive shared experiences. -
The Last Nephilim
I can honestly say no, even for the sole reason that those "friends" are conditional, which, to me, is worthless. I have a friend who has been loyal since before I became a JW and remained so through my indoctrination and subsequent shunning of him, unless it involved a chance to witness to him. That didn't matter to him- he was still my friend even if I wasn't his. THAT's the kind of people I want as friends- not the kind who will drop you like a used tampon the minute you question the WTS!!!!!
Well, at least you got family that you can enjoy.
I do not miss "theocratic activities", i could never go back and be involved and support and preach a lie.
What i do miss many good friends all over the country, inviting people over and being invited to their homes,
vacationing with friends. At this stage of life it's not easy to make close friends as i used to have.
Oh well, life moves on and look forward to a new start.
My mom called yesterday, mentioning she had seen a lady from our old hall. It is her son that I live near to now(that I still have not called) She is 'anointed' told me she got some info about them, and told me what she knew.
I really missed the social part of the assembly for a minute, and I missed my old friends (one of whom lives minutes away from me now!)
Then I realized my mom was at the lunch break at the assembly hall and among all those 'friends' had time to call her apostate daughter with the one little tidbit of gossip she had to tell. I think that is kind of sad. I love her to pieces, but she really doesn't have any real friends there-or she would be too busy visiting to call me until it was over.
So, maybe I am not missing THAT much.
I don't miss the boring meetings/talks. But individual JWs are just people-some are absolute jewels of human beings and others-not so much. But back when, they were friends-and I miss old friends. -
Tired of the Hypocrisy
Nope, but again I have my wife's family to remind me of how awful it has been. Like Yumby I was never accepted, really accepted. I could read at a bs, or swab out the john at an assembly. Thing is I never even considered "reaching out for priveleges". I felt like crap at school because I was one of TWO witness kids there. I felt crummy around the jw's, social gathwerings were weird. So, no I don't miss a thing about it......
As a fader, I know I will miss the social aspect of going to a 'place' for worship. Since every religious denomination seems to have some flaw that my JW indoctrinated brain sees; I guess I am going to have to go solo.
Nope, in fact I'm profoundly and constantly thankful to be out of it.
Tyrone van leyen
I would never miss that load of crap . I only missed associating with the so called freinds, but now that I know they never were freinds, their is absolutely nothing to miss. The irony is, that after 20 years a lot of the scum that shunned me, ended up leaving themselves, so they were no better.
Being robbed of your childhood is nothing to miss, and as I said in an earlier post, I wish they never existed. The religion of Rutherford, that is. That's exactly what it is. Rutherfords little cult. He sure chopped a lot of people down in their prime and robbed millions of joy. The structure he created and left behind is what makes this cult so detestable.