It was exciting to be part of something big, especially considering how much most of us believed in what we were doing. The "ready-made friends" were nice to have in a superficial, go to a big party kind of way. Let's face it. It was a large group and we had a huge defining characteristic in common. Yes, we were lied to, the friends were conditional, there were certain topics that could not be discussed, but while we believed the dream it was sweet. I never, ever miss it, though. Not for a second.
Do you ever miss it? Ever?
by AK - Jeff 59 Replies latest jw experiences
In the beginning I did miss some of it...guess it was ingrained in my head and life to go the Kingdumb Hall. As time has passed, I mostly no longer have that feeling. Though on rare, very rare, occasions I miss an old part of what it was, things that were done as a group growing up which they no longer do anyways. Cryptic enough for you? lol.
mae west answered the query about why she never posed nude by saying: once you have bared, what is left to create the illusion?
that pretty much sums it up for me..... the illusion is laid bare and what i thought i was a part of, what i believed i was supporting, the people in whose lives we were supposedly important.... all of that is without merit or substance because, in "light" of new and disturbing information, i made a cognitive connection
i miss the wasted 2 decades i can never get back
No not at all. I thought I had true friends, then a problem came up thta testes that friendship and guess what? That's rightshe did a great disappearing act. So I'm glad I'm out.
Succinctly put........NO! I have made a new life for myself. New Wife, new friends, new home, new hobbies. I don't miss the judgemental attitudes nor the pecking order of respect. My friendships are unconditional and mutual. I am who I am and if you don't like me...............I'm not asking you to.
In the beginning I did - but now NEVER
Actually I have those thoughts alot, but like you, I don't miss the people. What I do miss is the feeling I had while I was there. I had a genuine feeling of happiness while I was out in service or at a bible study. I felt that way because I KNEW I was making Jehovah and Jesus happy and that made me happy. I too have DA'd myself and admittedly have been happier in a way since. Without rambling on too much------Yes in some ways I do miss it.
One of the things that continues to suprise me after leaving four years ago is how little I miss the dub world. I think I hesitated making my exit for a long time because I thought I would miss it. I am constantly amazed at how easily I let it all go, after 28 years of all-in immersion.
Once in a while, not often, I think about some specific dub that I felt close to back in the day and wonder how they are doing. then I realize I already know how and what they're doing and am reminded that they didn't miss me enough to call me when I left. And that convinces me (anew) that the "Truth" was false because there is no snatching out of the so-called fire, no leaving the 99 and going after the one stray sheep. Therefore, they must not really believe what they teach, or what they say they believe. By the time I process those thoughts, I'm over it.
Nostalgia for a dub past is unproductive. It's vital to move on, make new friends, develop new interests, explore new ideas, learn and grow.
You're kidding, right?
What I "miss" is the childhood the Watchtower stole from me decades ago, and although I've been out for decades, I'm still dealing with the impact this cult had on my family. I miss the possibility that I could have had a normal childhood, instead of the freakish one imposed upon me by the Watchtower cult.
Thanks for the laughs, but I miss the Watchtower about as much as I miss the worst hangover of my life.