found in the ASPEN TIMES...Editorial
by hillbilly 49 Replies latest jw friends
...and that is why Hil is doomed. She's doomed already thanks to backfiring tactics, but she would polarize the AWM vote if she won the nomination.
Your "angry white man" is usually undereducated, bigoted, and shallow. They're the type that wouldn't vote for Obama because "his name sounds like Osama, BY GOD!"
If Mexicans are stealing your job, then learn a skill that the average immigrant that came here on a raft doesn't know.
Don't think that picking up a gun and shooting people is going to preserve liberty. -
So, about exactly WHAT is the "angry white man" so angry these days? I didn't think gun control was a major campaign concern.
It sounds like they're angry about immigration, but if they're for McCain -- he spent time last year trying to help Bush's efforts to liberalize the immigration laws.
I guess I don't get the "it" that was said so well here, Hillbilly. Maybe you could help us out here.
You mean jobs like pizza delivery man, roofer, landscaper and compuerter repair technicians? You know, the kind of jobs that are supposed to go to college students to pay for tuition? Our college kids can't get jobs because all of the jobs that are meant for college students are being sucked up by illegal workers.
Just tossin this out for debate boys... I just said I couldnt have said it better...
If you read all my posts by the way... I have stated that I would vote Obama... especially if he was paired with John Edwards.
I pay union dues...some people say I'm a commie...to my face...or a socialist...you kids are rookies
White Dove
Sounds like he doesn't know that he lives on the same planet as billions of others. He sounds self-centered, prideful, and bitter for having to share that world with others not like him. Poor poor S.O.B! I bet he never learned how to get along with other little kids in the playground sandbox. Some day maybe the world will be to his liking: everyone will be exactly like him, hating everyone else and always comparing them to his perfect self. Poor poor bastard. Will he ever learn to just get along?
There's so much in the Editorial that is incomprehensible to me, Hillbilly. I think you could have expressed this much better.
For example compare these two quotes ---
He might be a Republican and he might be a Democrat; he might be a Libertarian or a Green.
He hopes that she [Hillary] will be the Democratic nominee for president in 2008, and he will make sure that she gets beaten like a drum
So if he's a Democrat, he wants his party to pick Clinton just so she can get stomped? Nonsense. And you said you could vote for Obama, so surely you don't want Hillary to be the Democratic nominee.
And compare these two quotes from this same article --
He’s not a racist,
[when he] has to speak to some incomprehensible idiot in India for tech support, he simmers.
So this non-racist views any service people from India as an idiot? Hmmm..... (I work with people from India at the office, and find most of them to be very clear in my language as well as their own, and anyone who speaks two languages well is doing better in that department than I do.)
He knows that his wife is more emotional than rational, and he guides the family in a rational manner.
What are we now, back in the 1950's and the "Father Knows Best" era? Are we reading the WTS' "Family Life" book that said "basically men think, while women feel"? What a blatant stereotype !!
There are many millions of Angry White Men. Four million Angry White Men are members of the National Rifle Association
So your NRA prohibits black men? Or perhaps the black NRA members are NOT angry? Or their vote won't swing the election like the angry WHITE voters do?
Help me understand why you think you couldn't have said it better than this editorial did.
White Dove
Sounds like Angry White Man needs an anti-depressant. Sounds like he has no friends, either. He's so negative and can't see the beauty in the people and world around him. All he can see is how he can use them and abuse them. He mopes around all day about how life would be better if...He isn't even happy with his arm candy/trophy wife. She can do better!
I think your reading impared...