Guys, look at the date this is released ...
Yes, but don't they still have a 1rst and a 15th article? Even if it is April fools day.
by TooBad TooSad 73 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Guys, look at the date this is released ...
Yes, but don't they still have a 1rst and a 15th article? Even if it is April fools day.
Let's see if I have this straight. Only the " incorrigibly wicked " die at armaggeddon , right ? Then that means only the governing body dies then, everybody else gets a free meal ticket to the paradise ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
awakend07: -Wasn't this whole lengthy, 6000 year ordeal meant to be a way of showing that Jehovah wouldn't simply "shoot his opponent" (as per 'the two boxers' illustration), but would justly let mankind and Satan get their chance?
This whole "soveriegnty issue" is a total farce....aimed at trying to answer why the hey God is letting the world suffer for so long, in so many ways....But for this to be a REAL test of Satans ability to would have to occur totally unimpeded by God....instead, he screwed things up royally by confusing mans languages just when they were really unified....when Satan was winning pretty strong....he flooded the earth....when he wanted certain kings or rulers to do well or die...he made it happen......The angels would have to recognize this cheating, and Satan would sure have good ammo to use against God........................oompa
it totally irks me that there is a presumptiion of rejection of "god" linked to every recanted JW baptism in the wee daft minds of the b0rg rank and file....... they truly cannot wrap their heads around the reality that they are not the only franchise... and not many of them are betting on each other getting "in"
i am no more "wicked" outside the b0rg than i was within.... in fact, i am more charitable, more civically involved, more available for my kids and their life issues....... basically more human/e
guess it pivots on who gets to define wicked... it is their rag, hence their definition
Sorry, but I think this is much ado about nothing, and wishful thinking. "incorrigibly wicked"=non-jw's. Simple as that. If anything, maybe they're trying to calm the fears of all the freaking JW's who think they're gonna get whacked at the big A because they didn't do enough to promote the religion.
Dantheman: Sorry, but I think this is much ado about nothing, and wishful thinking. "incorrigibly wicked"=non-jw's. Simple as that.
I must disagree on this one Dan...just a few weeks ago, I e-mailed my retired, brainy, loving, elder/dad and asked him among other things if he would not agree that there are millions upon millions of peaceful, loving people that are religous and within Babylon, as well as many many totally non-religious as well. He agreed 100%. I have had this similar discussion with many other dubs, and like I used to personally believe, they all felt God would read hearts at the end, and that there would prob be way more surviors than WTBS teaches.
So I believe many dubs would be glad to see this of a sign that WTBS is becoming less nutty about the teaching "Billions Now Living Will Soon Be Dead!" (exceptin us).
TooBad&sad: quoted, "God's battle is directed solely against those humans whom God judges to be incorrigibly wicked."
I love the word SOLELY here.....God may as well just anti-matter or fill with blood all the prisons in the world...they for the most part already house the incorrigibly wicked, or at least those caught so far. I do not see how any reasoning dub would ever conclude that all non-dubs fit the description of "incorrigibly wicked." Cant wait to get with my dad and wife about this..............
Also, I see very little chance of fooling dubs as two the public and dub-only WT. Good ones will read both and notice (hopefully) any major differences....they are not all mindless, and there are plenty of complainers and doubter in the group to POUNCE on any easy targets......oompa
My mom informed me a couple days ago that her "nerves are sooooo bad" because she knows none of us kids are going to make it into paradise with her!!
Like I'd want to live forever with her,and that bunch!! PLEASE shoot me first!!
CrazyBlonDub (ha): My mom informed me a couple days ago that her "nerves are sooooo bad" because she knows none of us kids are going to make it into paradise with her!!
Crazy, now you can confort her a bit with this "good news"....unless of course your are really wicked or which case you should pm me immediately!....................oompa
This is the evidence I have been waiting for. I need to look at it closer, but it seems to be proof that they are in fact saying something different in the public edition. Thanks for the post.