Sounds like a fun situation to me. I don't know why so many are judging you for it. I would do it if I could. Then again, it takes a lot out of a person to lead a double life. At some point you are probably going to break down and just flee from that org. as far as you can go. But, till then I hope you accomplish some good. Good luck! Shawn
It looks like I will become an elder this week!
by outofthebox 181 Replies latest jw friends
Interesting predicament.
Please keep us informed. -
Witness 007
Dude WHY waste your time? Go scuba diving or something!
I know this is not exactly the same thing, but in a hostage situation the best way to help the hostages is to arrange a method of escape, not to pretend like you are one of the kidnappers in order to help them. Any negotiator knows that posing as a fellow hostage is a ridiculous notion because you will only be found out and eliminated by the kidnappers, and any hostages who remain who had any close association with you will be punished or eliminated for siding with the operative.
It seems that anyone sitting in that Kingdom Hall who even has a thought of wanting to leave is going to want to handle their doubts the same way you have handled yours. Right? Aren't they going to want to be in complete control of their own decisions about leaving or staying in the same way you have been about yours? That means that the LAST person they are going to want to admit anything to is the very person that can decide their exit date for them. If this religion is as much of a cult as it looks to be, then what you will be doing will look like a trap to anyone who happens to notice your behavior. "Is this elder testing me?" I am not passing judgment OOTB, it just appears to me that in your list of things that you feel you are doing to make some sort of statement already, only one of them, presenting "hard truths" to your family and elders, seems to be something that cannot be done in secret and apart from risking getting in trouble. In addition, those truths that you are sharing now that are hard, in your words, have obviously not been to hard for them to ignore. So what will you do for anyone at all as an elder that can't also be ignored? Hasn't there been anything you could have already been doing up to this point?
I think anyone who has doubts needs more desperately than anything to know that they have someone to comfort them or somewhere to go when they finally get up the courage to do what you yourself have never done. Why not write them ALL a letter in the congregation, spell out your case in truth, and let them ALL know that you will be available should any of them decide to take the very difficult step that you have just taken yourself. -
Just a final comment...
If you ever have the opportunity to speak to survivors of the Holocaust, ask them who they despised more as the weaker one... The one who beat them believing it was their just duty, or the one who beat them with tears in their eyes?
Pickled -
Open mind
Is this code for "We want to appoint you"
Yes. If you didn't make the cut, they'd probably ignore you for another six months, or, at best, give you some "counsel" at a time convenient for them.
If I were betting on this, I'd say you're in unless you bail.
Good luck with whatever you decide.
I didn't read the whole thread but oob I think you're crazy. Religion will do that to you. Good luck, though.
I have not followed your story here but I remember when you first signed up you said you were a group of people. Where's everyone else now?
BFD, Good question. From that day we signed up. Several in my family and group of friends woke up. After the first scary posts, some of them decided to create their own accounts. Some of them are regular posters here. So, now I enjoy this account alone. -ootb
well why not - I mean if you can work some good from it - then why not.
Just keep your head an wits about you.
whats people's definition of doing Good?
Just getting people out of the JW's by any means available?
or him alienating his family/friends by a public action that we've incited him to do.
or getting in over his head counciling people and not knowing what to say especially if they have emotional/sexual issues.
Would he advise an 70 year old person to leave JW's knowing that maybe they'd have othing to replace it and could end up alone with no focus in their lives? the problem with destroying peoples faith in something is you are responsible if they find that too traumatic and have nothing but a massive empty gap in it's place, Do you realise Ootb their are many grey area's? because you will once you become an elder.
One good thing about this forum is those that join are already questioning so you are not jumping the gun so to speak. If i goto a church etc I treat it with respect because the people have a genuine faith however misguided, if I don't agree with it they'll find out if they ask me, i'll give them honest answers.