I just went back and read your reply to me and I must say it is the worst reasoning I have ever seen against "cause and effect". Here is my point. You said this;
Just because the matter broke apart doesn't mean it needed a cause for it to happen, I drop a hammer on my foot, it doesn't require a cause it just happened.
I assert that dropping a hammer on your foot does indeed require a cause - the "cause" was you let go of the hammer. If you do not let go of the hammer (cause), it could not drop and hit your foot.
Here is another gem, you said;
Your next comment I'm sure will be something like "Well then what created the matter?" The answer is nothing, it was always there.
So you admit that some "things" can always exist and have no beginning?
Then I can rightfully assert that God is one of those "things".
This is my favorite and actually makes a good case for God. You say;
There's a theory of Matter (which the name escapes me now but was brought up in the Rational Response Squad's debate with Kirk Cameron) which states that matter/energy just always existed.
Tuesday, What IS God exactly? No one really knows. But, there are many scriptural texts that try to describe God, which is virtually impossible. But he is often discribed as a "brightness" never before seen, or "glorious bright light" that we cannot see or we will die. Anther verse calls him "an abundance of dynamic energy". So "God" could very well be the "energy" you say always existed.
The same goes for matter. Matter is what makes up everything and is in everything correct?
Ephesians 4:6
6 one God and Father of all, who is over alland through all and in all.
What exactly does it mean to be in all and through all?
I don't really know but if God exists (and I assert that he does) he must be made of some kind of matter and the Bible says he is "in all, and through all". Again, you claim that some matter and energy always existed. I say I agree and that this matter and energy that always existed is "GOD" And since NO ONE knows what God "IS" exactly, because peole have only seen God in the flesh, as the person of Jesus Christ, and not "him" in his original form, we cannot rule out this possibility. Peace, Lilly