External, Observable, Verifiable Evidence Of God...

by Tuesday 122 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • BurnTheShips
    You cannot apply quantum laws to non-quantum objects. Not even if it is convenient to support your religious beliefs.

    I never did apply the laws, if you read. I said that your statement was not too far from the truth.

    We are made up of quantum objects but are not in ourselves quantum.

    I am in no way a wave function, nor do I have spin UNLESS I am in the sea or on skates.

    No, but at the basic level the Universe functions like this-this was my point.

    No it doesn't, at least not according to the High Priests of Cosmology. They at least have theories (check the definiton please) as distinct from their rivals in mumbo-jumbo, the other types of Priests, who only have DOGMA.

    You use that word, dogma, like its a bad thing. It does not mean what you seem to think it means. These theories you mention, are thoroughly unprovable, and will remain so, since there can be no observation of the universe before the first Planck second. They are all on equal footing. Theories are testable. What do you call it when it can't be tested?


    "Since events before the Big Bang have no observational consequences...." "The conclusion of this lecture is that the universe has not existed forever. Rather, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning in the Big Bang, about 15 billion years ago."



  • inrainbows


    I never did apply the laws, if you read. I said that your statement was not too far from the truth.

    My bad I got the wrong end of the stick.

    You use that word, dogma, like its a bad thing. It does not mean what you seem to think it means.

    Wiki: [Dogma} is the established belief or doctrine held by a religion, ideology or any kind of organization, thought to be authoritative and not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from

    The 'not to be disputed, doubted or diverged from' mean by definiton it IS a bad thing. What did you think I though it meant? ;-)

    These theories you mention, are thoroughly unprovable, and will remain so, since there can be no observation of the universe before the first Planck second. They are all on equal footing. Theories are testable. What do you call it when it can't be tested?

    My phrasing (high priest of cosmology) etc., should make it clear I am aware of the degree of trust 99.99% of people have to put in such theories as they are incomprehensible to them.

    And some of them can be tested given a big enough particle accelerator. A pocket Universe created within a lab would do quite well as proof. Maybe we are some kid's science project?

    God will NEVER be testable as a theory, and that's rather the point, yet many people miss its existence or otherwise is not really that important, it's the IDEA of god that has most power. And to answer you, hypothesis.

  • BurnTheShips
    And some of them can be tested given a big enough particle accelerator. A pocket Universe created within a lab would do quite well as proof. Maybe we are some kid's science project?

    Which ones? The laws of physics break down beyond a certain point. That is why we can't see past the first Planck second. We can get closer and closer with a stronger accelerator, but we can't get past it. It is like trying to travel past light speed, you can get closer and closer, but the barrier cannot be breached in this Universe.


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