I think you are misunderstanding me. I am not saying that the fact the universe had a beginning "or cause" conclusively proves the cause was the God of the Bible. I am saying the fact that the universe had a beginning proves it had a "cause" and I believe this cause IS the God of the Bible. Why? Because since the universe had a beginning "cause", and science does not yet know for sure what the cause was, the God of the Bible cannot be ruled out as the cause.
So, in that repect we are on the same page. Because you cannot rule God out, anymore than I can rule him in.
Athiests believe a God simply is not possible. But I say that If he cannot be ruled out, he IS possible. That is the only point I was trying to make in the onset of this discussion. I knew I would not be able to "prove" God to you.
For the believer other things are taken into consideration such as faith, personal experience with God, understanding the Bible, etc. and these are things you will not accept as evidence. So if you will only let us present your "approved" evidence and these other things are evidences we possess, how can we convince you of anything?
The only reason why I went along with this mental excercise is so that you and others can see that we believers are not all morons who cannot understand the reality around them. Or, who are emotional people only that do not understand facts. I understand scientific facts very well. If there is a beginning, there is a cause, if the cause cannot be proved positively to be something other than God, then God as the cause IS possible. So believing God is possible makes scientific sense and is not just nonesense as some claim it to be!
Anyway, enough time on this.
I worked all night and have not slept yet. Hopefully this information will be useful for someone. Peace to you my friend. And thank you for explaining your side without all the name calling and put downs I am used to getting from the athiests on this board.
We will probably always disagree, but I really do respect you as a person. And I respect your right to not believe in a God. So I promise that when you come to visit in May, I will not tie you up to the chair, read bible verses to you, or throw holy water on you, o.k?
Well maybe just a few drops of water for good measure. LOL. Peace, Lilly