This thread has gotten long, so I'll try to just slow down those who aren't reading what I said. Lovelylil said:
You say in your post there are natural explanations for what we see in the world around us.......I do not disagree that many things can be explained by nature. What I Q is how nature conforms to "natural laws" which imply an intelligence behind them? Also what Natural explanation do you say Science has for living matter (life) appearing out of non-living matter? As far as I know, science concedes "it does not know how life began". And it "does not know how the universe began". Although they have "theories", they do not know in the absolute sense.
Lovelylil here makes a number of fatal flaws in directional logic and causal fallacies. Her comment about IQ is one of definition and is irrelevant. Her comment about "natural laws" misses her own point entirely. "Natural Laws" are functional descriptions. Nothing "obeys" them. "Natural Laws" are explicit descriptions of the way material behaves. This is fatuous linguistic error. Lovelylil then jumped immediately past arguments I had explicitly stated without making any reference to the salient points let alone the overall context of the argument. She then regressed to the same antithesis I had initially pointed out...that of the theists regression toward challenging ancient scientific questions as a counterfactual argument for alternative explanations for current well known phenomena. This is a disingenuous style of iduction which runs contrary to rational inquiry.
About your arguements about 'diety", you are referring by your own admission to the JW's idea of God. I do not accept their idea of God.
Here the reader will note that Lovelylil fails to rise to the burden of proof noted earlier. The onus is on her as the proponent of a God to define the terms for inquiry. Furthermore, a general understanding of arguments against the theist's God (hereafter referred to as God) constitutes sufficient reasons to disbelieve her propositions since if most of the arguments against God's in general have failed it follows that other specific arguments hold a higher burden of proof if based on related premises. She continues:
Also, we don't have time here but virtually ALL the arguements you make against believing in God, have been refuted. All anyone has to do is do a search on the internet and they can find information about naturalist view of life, cosmological arguements, etc.
Lovelylil in this example has appealed to authority and made an assertion about the general nature of theodicy, philosophy of science, teleoligy, etc. She hasnot responded with any salient points to the arguments given. In this next example, Lovelylil again fails to respond to my specific arguments and completely ignores a specific point I made about the fallacy of the Thermodynamic Argument as it relates to boundary conditions, systems theory and non-linear dynamics associated with modern complex scientific interactions and popularized after the nobel prize for dissipative systems:
That is how I found out about thermodynamics, which is a term Tuesday used. And HE STILL does not understand that the 1st rule is that "something cannot come from nothing". So this does not discount God at all.
Lovelylil swept past a technical argument by denying that the argument had even been made and then again asserting the premise as if no rebuttal had been made. This rejoinder fails completely when you add in her failure to distinguish accurate definitions of enthalpy and entropy and is representative of how she continues to argue as follows:
Current science does admit that the universe had a beginning, and if ANYTHING has a beginning, it has a cause. Absense of what that cause is, my claim it is God is as good as any.
Lovelylil commits her final error directed at my remarks by again completely ignoring the argument given. Her unfounded misassessment of the scientific community fails to make or further a point. Her rebuttal fails and the naturalistic world view stands supperior. I submit the arguments to the fairness of the reader.
In her response to other commentors she makes the appeal again to what I have already established as an erroneous approach to historical and scientific inquiry:
Since we never got passed arguement #1 which is what is the "cause" behind the universe and life, we cannot go onto any other arguements about God's existence. Because your mind is totally closed to ever accepting that the cause could be God. If you could only accept the fact that God has not been ruled out by science, then more information could be given you to show he exists. But as it stands, we will stay stuck on this one point.
Lovelylil is cleary engaged in begging the question. She is requesting that the naturalist submit the very issue under contention. She then engages in ad hominem attack against Tuesday by asserting he is closed minded, or not open to rational argument. Her argument fails again because she fails to credit the false dichotomy she is setting up. It could be that there is a hypothetical god who exists but did not create the universe. She again finishes with a cartoonish characature of science. The only evidence you may be able to expect if something did not exist is a lack of evidence for its existence. This inductive principle does not stand on its own merits. We have two logical tools by which we can asess the non-existence of a hypothetical entity. They are as follows:
1. The definition of the entity is logically false by internal definition. These are incompatible properties arguments against the theist.
2. If the state of affairs does not occur as you would expect if God as a hypothesis did exist, this constitutes a strong evidential argument for nonexistance. These include the evidential arguments from evil and non-belief.
About the killings, rapes, etc. I've been into this before on jwd. It is no use argueing this point with non-believers. Its not like you are going to read these accounts in the bible in thier context, or look at information in bible commentaries, or even look up the meanings of words and how they applied in OT times, so what is the use? Are you going to take my word for it since I did the research and can refute your view? No, so I am not going to waste my time presenting it.
Lovelylil concludes her failed reply with further attacks and assumptions about the character and openness of the naturalist as a form of genetic fallacy. Her assumptions about the ability or willingness for the naturalist to engage in textual criticism holds no water. Also, her retreat to the defense of The Argument From The Bible betrays her initial hesitancy about defining a deity in theistic terms. Lovelylil's rebuttal again falls short of any reasonable standard.