May you have peace! I would like to respond, if I may. Thank you!
This is *if* you believe in God / a God / Gods.
I do. In all, except with a little "g" for the latter.
There are moments when I sit down and have a conversation, almost with myself, because even though I am looking up at the heavens/searching my soul, there is no answer, no supernatural feeling, it is quiet and still, but I speak the words just in case there is something listening.
This is good. It means you haven't given up... yet.
If there is a god and he is all that he claims to be through all the religions on this earth, why doesn't he rule us as a god should?
Please don't read untany negative "tone," into my response, but what makes you think He doesn't/isn't ruling "as a god should"? You are human, earthling man (as am I)... and not a god, per se. How is it that you know how a god "should" rule? True, we have our human, earthly, ideas of how things should be. But, again, that's HUMAN... EARTHLY.
Why doesn't he come on down and sort out this world? Why does he allow so much evil to go unpunished?
In response to the first part, because the time to do so has not arrived. As to the second part, it does not go unpunished; punishment simply hasn't been brought to bear... yet. Why is this, for both parts? Because... God does not wish ANY to die. Righteous OR unrighteous. He would really rather that ALL "turn around" and be saved. That will not be the case, of course. Unfortunately, because OUR lifespan is limited (unlike spirit beings, where there is no death and thus no limit on years of life), we are "anxious" as to everything: we want everything... even revenge... NOW. That seems good - why wait if it can happen now? But our thinking is as limited as our lifespans. God, on the other hand, can see what the outcome of ALL actions are. And while He may take vengeance on someone's behalf NOW, doing so might actually have some adverse affect IN THE FUTURE. Something far worse than what was done today.
I get it that many can't bring themselves to "trust" in God's delay and reasons for it. I am human, too, and at one time spend a great deal of my energy asking why and when. That was before I came to KNOW God, however. And once I did know Him, I also came to know that I had judged Him unfairly. Like Eliphaz, Bildad, Zophar... and Job.
My heart breaks so much when I read about the gross atrocities people have to face: mudering, rape, torture, hunger, pain, suffering on such scales that it frightens me. I cry for people that go to war and fight for something they believe in (for both sides) For children/people that have to live through abuse and their little hearts ask why??
As it/you should; as ALL of our hearts/us should.
and they pray to god for relief and NOTHING COMES.
Although this may be what has occurred for you, you probably should not assume this for the rest of the world. It only seems this way because we live in world that places more emphasis on "bad" and tragedy than it does on good. The media is responsible for that because tales of horror raise more revenue than "warm fuzzies." And particularly where people give the glory to God - this is more often met with rolling eyes than remarks of "Good for God!!" The TRUTH is that for every person who says "nothing" came, there are 10 who say God DID help/intervene and/or if it weren't for God, they wouldn't have gotten through it.
How many years have been people calling to god to help, how many more years will they continue to call.
From the beginning of time... and hopefully forever (assuming there is no end to time)...
And all they get back from the heavens is stone cold silence.
This is not true. There are ga-zillions of people who say they HEAR and have HEARD... and people (perhaps such as yourself) simply blow them off. Pooh-pooh them. Why? Because the "rule" appears to be that, "Well, since I haven't heard, so you must not have heard, either." You appear to have no problem believing the people who claim to have not heard anything (most likely because you have not heard anything), but a great deal of difficulty believing people who say that have. And the funny thing is that they will tell you that you can, too. But... you most likely won't believe it. You most likely won't even put it to the test. More likely, you will say, "No, I can't and that's the end of it." My question to YOU, however, is HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU WON'T PUT IT TO THE TEST?
If there is a god his ears are deaf, or he no longer cares about his creation. He has abandonned the very people he supposedly died for!
Statements like this always interest me: IF there is a god... He no longer cares... He has abandoned the very people He supposedly died for...
There are couple of "problems" with this: If you don't KNOW God, you cannot judge Him as being deaf and not caring. That would be like an adopted child saying that their birth mother didn't care. Without knowing her story, one doesn't know these things. And without speaking to her, or someone SHE appointed to speak for her... one can't know her. If one doesn't KNOW God... how can one JUDGE Him?
He hasn't made himself known since the days of Jesus (again that is *IF* you believe in it)
This is completely untrue. What IS true is that when people confess that He HAS made Himself known to them, again, they are ridiculed, pooh-poohed, etc. Virtually everyone of them. And it is not others who have experienced the same thing who do the ridiculing; it is those who haven't. And, again, rather than such ones saying, "Hey, really? Can't it happen to me?" and entertain that possibility, their reaction is "NO, HE DIDN'T AND YOU'RE A LIAR." Right off the bat. Without any thought or consideration. Without even the benefit of the doubt.
True, most of this skepticism is due to the folks who say such has occurred, but HAVE lied. How do you know the difference? It's quite simple: IF it happened, then the person making the claim should be able to give SOME evidence, mainly by showing the skeptic that it CAN occur for them, too, IF that skeptic TRULY WISHES for it to.
What makes people believe that he ever will again. Because a bible tells you so?
For me, no. I believe it because HE tells me so... through my Lord... and, to date, ALL that He has told me has been true or come true. He has not lied to me, yet. Not one time. And He doesn't "tell" me through the Bible... or any other "holy book" or writing. He tells me... through His Son, my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... who SPEAKS to me... with his very own voice. That you... and others... don't BELIEVE this... doesn't make it untrue. The truth is the truth... regardless of what we think or believe.
Why leave a book so full of information that can be easily misinterperated as a guid?
You have been misled, and this is also part of the problem. God did not leave a book. That is a lie that you have been told by those who look to such book(s) for salvation. God gave us A SON. And it is by means of that Son that He speaks to us. At least ONE of those "books" tells us that. Problem is, when we read that particular book, we rely on others to tell us what is says, means, etc. Well, heck, if THEY don't know the truth, how in the WORLD can they pass it on to YOU? They can't. They can only pass on what they THINK it says/means... which is, more often than not... wrong. UNLESS... they received it DIRECTLY from the One about whom it is speaking. But you don't have to take MY word for it.
We cannot rely on god.
You are in error... and, unfortunately, your error is subject to misleading others. Many others. Are you SURE you want to be responsible for that? Now, please know, if you do, that's your choice: I do not judge you. It makes no nevermind to ME. I just thought I'd ask so that YOU could think it over for yourself. What you ultimately choose to do... is entirely up to you - I wish you no illwill.
We can only rely on ourselves and each other.
Neither of which are totally reliable, are they? We betray ourselves all the time. Probably more often than others betray us. And others WILL betray us. It can't be helped - we are all imperfect and, therefore, will let each other down, let ourselves down, deliver each other up, and even give ourselves up. We are flesh, with its blood. We can, however, rely on God, because... unlike us... HE is faithful and loyal. If you KNEW Him... you would KNOW this... and you would know where to put your trust, without fear or hesitation.
I commend people that are trying to at least make a difference more than I can commend god - god isn't trying to do anything.
This is another error. The TRUTH is that, through Christ... God IS "subduing"... making PEACEFUL people... in the MIDST of His enemies. Unfortunately, there are more of "them"... than there are of "us"... and so you see the results of THEIR conduct more than you see that of ours. But it's not too hard, really, if one only wants to LOOK.
There is no god, though I wish there was, and I wish he was more like superman.
And there you go: you already have a "god"... a tall, strapping, handsome, blue-eyed being, whose only weakness is Kryptonite, and who fights crime. If you can have that, who needs God? IF, however, YOU could condescend YOURSELF... come down, as it were... to get to know GOD... in the manner that He SAID you needed to (i.e., by knowing His Son)... perhaps you would find a "god" that not only fights crime, but heals the sick, resurrect the dead... and cleanses people of the WORSE kind of illness... an ailing conscience. Because that is what the TRUE God is about. Not only would you FIND Him... BUT... you would also receive "gifts" that would allow YOU to heal the sick and, perhaps even resurrect the dead. Yes, while there are a few doctors/surgeons who denounce God, MOST of them give the glory for their healing gifts TO Him. And as a result, they know the JOY of healing... vs. carrying the burden of a "god syndrome."
It is not my intent to chastise you, dear LouBelle, but only to say that, unfortunately, you are in error. You believe what you believe because you have not yet tasted the "free gift" of holy spirit... and you have not tasted such spirit because you won't LET yourself believe that the One who grants it exists. Why, then, should He hear you? Because He's God? ("You're God, and so you should do such and such..."
If indeed there IS a God... and He IS God... then who are YOU... or I... to check His hand as to what He is and is not doing... and will or will not do? As puny humans, WE need to check OUR own egos... and look at ourselves FIRST to see if WE are doing all that WE charge God with doing. Are WE making peace? Are WE feeding our hungry fellow humans? Are WE tending to the sick? Are WE welcoming strangers and making ourselves known to those who are not OUR friends? Are WE hiding OURSELVES from OUR own flesh?
The "perfect law" is not a window, dear LouBelle. It is not a mean by which we are to look at others and say, "Why is he/she doing/not doing...?" It is a MIRROR... and the ONLY one any of us should be looking at... is ourselves. Otherwise, we are hypocrites. Whether it is God we are judging... or our fellowman.
I bid you the greatest of love and peace, and... IF YOU TRULY WISH IT... ears to hear the Spirit AND the Bride, as both KEEP saying:
"Come! Take 'life's water,' (the holy spirit of God, the Most Holy of Israel, whose name is JAH... of Armies... which spirit is poured out from the inmost parts of the Holy One of Israel, His Son and Christ, THE SPIRIT and my Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH)... FREE!"
There is no cost, no price, no wage. It is free. All YOU need to do is EXERCISE faith in its existence, its qualities, its abilities... and, most importantly, in the One granted the authority to dispense it. That's it; that's all. And there is no pain added with it. You choose.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,