May you have peace!
Are you saying the Bible is not true?
If by "true" you mean "inspired," then my answer is yes, I am saying the Bible is NOT inspired. The Bible itself tells you that. SCRIPTURE... is inspired; however, the Bible... is not scripture. The Bible contains scripture, along with histories, chronologies, records and letter (epistles). And there is scripture that is not contained in the Bible.
God did not leave us scripture or the other. He left US... a Son. Prior to sending His Son, God spoke to His people "by means of the Prophets." The Prophets... who were born along by holy spirit and were, in fact, IN SPIRIT (i.e., "inspired")... wrote what they were told to write. Why? Because PRIOR TO THEM... when God TRIED to speak directly to the people... THEY rejected it! That is the REASON Moses went up to get the Law: God had Moses assemble the people because He was going to come down and speak with them... FACE TO FACE. However, the people couldn't handle the "protocols" (i.e., they had to stand a distance back and they couldn't touch the mountain. Not even an animal could touch it). They were SO... COWARDLY... that they said, "Hey, look, Moses, we're scared. So, rather than have God come down, why don't YOU just go on up, find out what He has to say, and then come back and tell us."
It is they, Israel... and since then WE... EARTHLING MAN... who rejected speaking with the Most Holy One of Israel. Not HE rejecting them/us. I would encourage everyone who thinks they know... to go back and read it. I digress.
Back to the Prophets: what they wrote, the scriptures, pointed to One who was to come and told us that once that One came... HE was the one we were to listen and follow. And when HE came, HE said that "THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHICH THE FATHER WILL SEND IN MY NAME, THAT ONE WILL LEAD YOU INTO ALL TRUTH." Unfortunately, most don't HEAR that proclamation, and thus, they keep searching the scriptures. This is curious, however, in light of the words of Christ at John 5:39, 40, where he says:
"You are searching the scriptures because you THINK that by means of THEM you will have everlasting life. And these are the very ones that bear witness about ME. And YET... YOU DO NOT WANT TO COME... TO ME that you might have life."
The Apostle John backed this up, however, by writing that "the anointing you received fromhim remains in you, and you do not need anyone to be teaching you; but, as the anointing from him is teaching you about ALL things, and is TRUE, and is NO LIE..." 1 John 2:27
The chronologies were held out under the pretense of an attempt to preserve the validity of the blood lines so that WHEN the Lion of Judah arrived, it could be proven that he was in fact a son of Abraham. They kept them, however, NOT because they wanted to support the one claiming to BE Messiah... but so they could be sure they had the right one when they put him to death.
The records were kept in order to provide a "puffing up" of Israel to their enemies. The gospels (excluding John's), letters (epistles) and Acts accounts are merely the attempt of Matthew, Mark (Peter's son), Paul, Luke and others to provide a record (in the case of Matthew, Mark and Luke), and encouragement and guidance (in the case of Paul). Luke certainly was not inspired: first, God did not tell him to write - Theophilus did. Second, he did not get his information from God or holy spirit, but from interviewing "eyewitnesses." Paul was often wrong (attributable to his youth and training as a Pharisee), so that if you read his letters in their proper sequence (and with the proper transliterations) you will see that (1) one of his letters to the Corinthians (his first) is missing, and (2) he corrected himself on several occasions, including, most importantly, the issue of disfellowshipping (Christ NEVER sanctioned such an act by his followers and, in fact, TAUGHT then to go after those "expelled from the synagogues"). I don't follow Paul, however; I follow the Christ.
I understand, truly, that you and others might not get this. If that is the case, one reason is because you have been misled into believing that the anointing is only for a select few, an elite class... whether clergy or some other "governing" or other body... so that you do not even know to ASK for holy spirit. This exclusivity, however, is a LIE... one designed to KEEP you from doing the VERY thing Christ said you needed to do in order to be in union with him.
The anointing, however, is for ANYONE... who exercises faith. Whether they are "of the sons of Israel"... or the "great crowd out of EVERY nation, tribe, tongue and people." Anyone... who truly wishes it. Including you... if you truly wish it. All you need do is heed the words of the Spirit and the Bride, who KEEP saying:
"Come! Take 'life's water'... FREE!"
I bid you peace.
Your servant and a slave of Christ,