As I read posts throughout this site, I became amazed at some of the criticism people have actually spent time creating, reading (as I did), and responding to. Don’t get me wrong, some of what I read are good issues that seem worthy (to me) of discussion, but to be honest, I find that 90% of the posts are based on ridiculous petty topics that are obviously tied to a sense of deep hatred of the WTBTS. I can appreciate that some of the people who leave such post, and have this hatred, are taking their time to discuss such things as part of a therapeutic process to combat the fact they spent a large portion of their life dedicated to an organization they feel abandoned them at some point. Perhaps when it was felt they needed this organization the most. Others have another reason, but the fact remains the basis for some of these posts reflect a deep sense abhorrence to anything bearing the name Watchtower. The beliefs many of you held as sacred, and worthy of spending countless hours spreading to other people, are now the focus of your malcontent. Now, you spend a lot of time working against the very thing you once promoted. The very thing you thought you would never do. The very thing you spoke out against. The very thing you detested. Go ahead – ease your pain. John-Paul
Criticism worthy of your time
by johnnyc 71 Replies latest jw experiences
johnny, Your post is very out of touch with what is going on here. I don't think your post is sincere. The language you use is disingenuous. You say that the "hatred" felt here is because the Watchtower may have "abandoned us when we needed it most". What a load of BS! Take your double talk out in service when you are selling magazines. Maybe you can find some naive person that will buy your crap.
so who are you, my fine patronizing friend? And what's it to ya?
What ever the post may be petty or serious, the point is that this does gives people a place to vent their inner hurt and anger without
being judged. Many find new friends here to replace what they have lost or had taken
away from them, including family when leaving the Wt. It has given some a sense of camradery, insight and knowledge
that many have those same feelings. So "let them vent" I say, it helps to cope, heal, learn and move on with a fresh new outlook
on life, there is life after the Wt.
Welcome JohnnyC
I think I can understand your point JohnnyC but every person responds differently.
Every poster here has a unique story even though many of us experienced similar situations.
You mentioned in another post that your parents are JW (PO & Pioneer) and you have been raised JW, but are not a JW. Does this mean you are inactive, faded or shunned?
Anyways welcome we all look forward to your participation!
In your post you said the wts abandoned us- hardly, I walked away from that cult. I saw them for what they really are, a lying sack of shit.
Hello and welcome, JohnnyC.
Elizabeth Kübler-Ross described the distinct stages of grief that most experience in a time of loss or tragedy.The stages are:
- Denial: "It can't be happening."
- Anger: "Why me? It's not fair."
- Bargaining: "Just let me live to see my children graduate."
- Depression: "I'm so sad, why bother with anything?"
- Acceptance: "It's going to be OK."
We have suffered a grave loss. The belief that we held for years as the ultimate, indefutable truth; the endless years dedicated to a lying publishing corporation; and many of us have lost loved ones, both in death due to JW mandates and also due to shunning.
Allow us our anger, JohnnyC.
Someday, you be angry, too.
Baba. -
the fact remains the basis for some of these posts reflect a deep sense abhorrence to anything bearing the name Watchtower.
......and your point?
...but to be honest, I find that 90% of the posts are based on ridiculous petty topics that are obviously tied to a sense of deep hatred of the WTBTS.
And why not? Many of us have been estranged from our families due to the vicious rules of the WTB&TS. I was an abused child and a battered wife within the organization and was disfellowshipped for my trouble. Nothing is petty when your famly shuns you. Shame on you for the criticism. People here vent, because they have been victimized in some way by the WTB&TS. If you don't like it, stay the hell out!