That was the same dosage of the same drug they gave me. I know it is easier said than done, but you can't get your family out. They have to do that on their own. Your personal burdens are already heavy right now and you know they don't have the reserves to carry more than the organization makes them lug around.
As tough as it will be to start with, you likely ought to make some RL friends in your own home town—people who have never been JWs. The meds have given you your feet back under you again, but not the desire to move. "Normal" RL friends will put you in touch with what normal looks like at least, and then you can start walking toward that light at the end of the tunnel.
You were immersed for many years in a culture that encouraged abnormal brain patterns, abnormal emotional responses, and abnormal personal relationships. Now you aren't immersed in that one any more, but you haven't got another culture yet, either. My only advice is: go get one. Strike out, make yourself at first if you have to. Forge a path of your deliberate choosing. I'll wager you will be amazed at what life will open up to you.
Two years ago next month I admitted myself into a State Mental Health Clinic. Diagnosis? Suicidal ideation with plan. I don't even remember that guy anymore. I remember some of the other people that were in there, but I can't even recall what it felt like to be at the edge of the precipice anymore.
Others have already encouraged you to replace abnormal with normal and that was the best tonic for me, too. Plus, since so much of my life had been spent in what I thought was worthwhile voluntary service, I started really volunteering. That has been very satisfying on a lot of levels. So you might find fulfillment in throwing some genuine altruism into the "new culture" mix. One thing about cultures that any biologist can tell you, stagnation leads to decay . Make sure your culture is an active one.