The "ever-changing doctrine" of the Watchtower org. is now creating an "incubator of doubts" that seems to be "hatching" this so-called "New Breed" of Witnesses. Watchtower publications written with purposeful ambiguous articles seems to be allowing many Witnesses to become extremely liberal in their way of thinking.The Watchtower org's view, as of late, in making more things a conscience matter, blood issues, voting, alternative service, organ transplants, attending weddings and funerals in churches, celebrating holidays, etc. is confusing Jehovah's Witnesses. They cannot make "sense out of nonsense". All of this, coupled with the trouble the Watchtower org. has found themselves in recently, much publicized news reports on child molestation, involvement with the United Nations, deaths of Witnesses for refusing blood transfusions, selling off of high end real estate, and making millions on the sales, is forcing many newer Jehovah's Witnesses, as well as older ones, to "stick their heads OUT OF THE COCOON". The "new breed" of Witnesses seem to still connect with much of the Watchtower,s doctrine on things such as Paradise Earth,only 144,000 going to heaven, God's channel on earth, etc. but, they are now challenging many of the rigid rules such as, disfellowshipping, higher education, how to dress, told not to do independant research outside the Watchtower publications, don't view critical websites and other things. All of above is "coming back to haunt them"! The Watchtower org., in itself, has created this "new breed" of Witnesses, and they are not "COMING HOME TO ROOST! To hear a recording of active Jehovah's Witnesses, who are in what we refer to as the "New Breed" class participating in a conference call with former Jehovah's Witnesses, hit the link. Listen to April 26 and May 10
The Rapidly Emerging "NEW BREED" of Jehovah's Witnesses
by kool aid man06 27 Replies latest jw friends
not to change the topic or hijack this thread in any way...but do you have an update on the Lawrence hughes situation?
darth frosty
I agree. Also the lack of Good elder leadership is starting to show. The 'good' elders who use to listen to the 'friends' problems and help put a positive perpective on things have either left, or just ran out of answers and spin. The elder leadership that is left is either a bunch of old timers going thru the motion or elders who are using this ironically as their opportunity to beat their brother's ( aint that our job as apostates)
Frosty of the where's my stick class
drew sagan
It may appear that the Watchtower is lessening regulations in their publications, but they still rely heavily upon deeply ingrained mindsets to continue things just the way they are.
Remember that most of Watchtower wants to say in regards to policy has already been said. They have purposefully not updated articles from the 60's,70's, 80's and 90s because to do so would bring dirty laundry to light. Rather they prefer for somebody stuck in a certain situation to go back into the older publications to find an answer.
The JWs are just as hardcore as they ever were. The difference now is that they rely on older publications to do the work. If you are one of the unlucky ones who is burdened by these older rulings you have no sympathizer because the newer magazines give off a different vibe and that is what the current rank and file are used to. -
So what happens to their bragging rights on 'only we have such unity'? My jw was always soooo proud to say that all jw's around the earth believe exactly the same thing. Yet when I would point out these so called 'conscience' issues he could not see there really was no unity or at the least they were no different than other religions who allow for differences in minor non salvation issues.
Lady Lee
Just because something is published that an issue is a "conscience matter" doesn't mean the JW has a free choice.
What it really means is that "conscience matters" must conform with the real WT stance. It isn't a personal "conscience matter" unless it conforms to the unwritten rules as well as those blurry areas.
Info that might get into the hands of outsiders must appear to be generous. Even recruits get info spoon-fed to them as deemed appropriate to their level of commitment.
The reality is that the WTS can no longer control the information JWs get. Even an innocent web search will take most JWs into places the WTS would love to shut down but can't.
I think there is some validity to your statement. For example, my EX who used to be hardcore is now in real estate and misses lots of meetings and field service and I even know she goes out of town to fornicate, looking for rich guys and the elders look the other way. So I don't really know what's going on. They talk down about higher education but they don't seem to have any bite to their bark because I know quite a few young people going to college.
I think they're still trying to control thru fear but without a big A date I think the sheep are wandering.
kool aid man06
Hello! Isaacaustin, I do not know if you listened to the last conference call. If you did, I have no further updates on Lawrence Hughes from that call forward. If you did not hear the call, hit this link.
I agree. I was once an MS, now rarely make even one Sunday meeting a month, and only do that in order to keep my friends that are still in. I haven't been in service in over three years, yet I still have the same friends I had when I was giving public talks, some of them MS's and Elders. Many of them miss more than half of the meetings also, have no problem coming over to my house for a party on a meeting night. None ask me why I don't go. None ever talk about "spiritual things". I believe many of them no longer believe either, yet stay to keep their social group, as I do. Studying the Revelation book this last time, complete with it's ten pages of printed out "new light" from the last time it was studied about four years ago, was met with universal groans from everyone I know. None believe this latest interpretation is finally accurate. I know many winesses with young children, and all are encouraging them to pursue college. The Watchtower is losing it's stranglehold on the younger generation, say those under 45-50. Thank god.
I hope it means more people will start going online for spiritual guidance. For sure, I find better spiritual guidance from this forum than I ever did in any Kingdumb Hell.