Are you a Democrat, a Republican, or a Southerner?

by zeroday 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    what if the truth was that you would freeze, attempt to run one way and then another way, get confused, fall down and crawl backwards into a ditch all the while hyperventilating? You didn't allow for that possibility? I suppose those are the folks who mark "undecided" on surveys that ask what your political party is.

  • Dorktacular

    I live in the South. I carry a loaded hand gun. That's not because I'm from the South. That's because I have a brain. My brain knows that somebody who means to harm me or other law-abiding citizens might be carrying a weapon. That's not southern; that's just common sense. I'm originally from New Jersey.

    As far as shooting them 3,000 times and wanting to mount the carcas above my fireplace........ Nah, I'll pass. Besides, I hope all of the practice I get at the gun range would mean that my marksmanship is good enough to drop somebody with no more than one or two shots. One well-placed .45 caliber slug to the head or chest should take care of it. Thankfully, I've never had to shoot anyone, and I hope I will never need to. I have had to produce my weapon on two occasions, and both times just the sight of the weapon ended the encounter. Muggers and would-be robbers don't like it when their victims have weapons. It kind of takes away their advantage! The biggest, baddest street thug will crap himself when he hears the slide of a large caliber handgun cock in a dark alley.

  • Indo_Dude

    LMAO. Silly conservative, 'Islamic terrorists' don't carry knives. They wear suicide vests. Now you and your family are dead from shrapnel. And a perfectly good gun lays in what's left of your corpse pants. Four dead white people. One dead brown person. Next day, headlines bleat out Armegeddon, United States invades a brown country for retributions. More white and brown people die.

  • hillbilly
    LMAO. Silly conservative, 'Islamic terrorists' don't carry knives. They wear suicide vests. Now you and your family are dead from shrapnel. And a perfectly good gun lays in what's left of your corpse pants. Four dead white people. One dead brown person. Next day, headlines bleat out Armegeddon, United States invades a brown country for retributions. More white and brown people die.

    LMAO.... maybe that's why some folks would like to turn that whole region the brown folks hail from into a glass parking lot.....LMAO

    Besides, Southern or not the correct answer is " I shot until the threat was eliminated"... being a gun owner of Southern heritage I found that to be a little over the top (but funny as most sterotypes are)...


  • nvrgnbk

    I've never seen an "Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife" on any U.S. streets in my short 35 years of life.

    But I wonder what an Iraqi or a Palestinian or an Iranian (they're not all Islamic terrorists, BTW) would do presented with the same situation, this time an American soldier with a big gun pointed at his family.

    This kind of "kill all the sand ni***rs" mentality is only perpetuating the violence, on both sides.

    Unashamed Liberal American Democrat Construction Worker

  • BurnTheShips
    As far as shooting them 3,000 times and wanting to mount the carcas above my fireplace........ Nah

    A scalp would make a lovely souvenir.

  • BurnTheShips
    This kind of "kill all the sand ni***rs" mentality is only perpetuating the violence, on both sides.

    That's because, according to Obama, we're all bitter.

    Unashamed Classical Liberal American Independent I.T. Professional.


  • hillbilly

    I've never seen an " Islamic Terrorist with a huge knife " on any U.S. streets in my short 35 years of life.

    True... but I saw some burning aircraft and busted hi-rise buildings one day. Brought down by some ISLAMIC Terrorists with box cutters. They blow up stuff like Spanish trains and parking garages, working in cells more often than going solo with big knifes.

    Yea... I know, those guys were funded by the Saudis'. We should be in SA right now following the terror money trail...but then those Saudis would reposess our economy and we'd be screwed.

    Bush needs geography lessons.


  • veen

    Does this scenario happen often in the US? Is that why you all need guns, or do you just need guns to shoot each other?

  • hillbilly
    Is that why you all need guns, or do you just need guns to shoot each other?

    No... but after King George tried to disarm us after he started the unfair taxes we vowed that we would not allow that if we won the war. WE did... and dont let the figures fool you. Murder rates are down to the lowest point in over 30 years... and in those 30 years a substantial amount of new guns have been sold in the US.

    Ammendment 2 says we are allowed to keep and bear arms. Courts have ruled that that article was to provide for individual self defense as well as to arm a well regulated militia.

    We are awaiting another court Ruline from the Supreme court that will determine if local governments (Washington DC) can ban guns ... and if the DC ban is overturned most other gun laws may be found unconsitutional also.

    So...since you all turned in your pistols a few years back how's that working for ya? We hear swords have caught on with street thugs over in GB.


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