Are you a Democrat, a Republican, or a Southerner?

by zeroday 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • BurnTheShips
    We hear swords have caught on with street thugs over in GB.

    I hear the thugs still have guns.

    That's why they sing "God save the Queen", no one else can. All disarmed.

    UK Gun Crimes Soar After Gun Ban

    Sunday, August 26, 2007 8:36 PM

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    Gun crimes in England have almost doubled since 1997, when a ban on firearms began.

    According to the Sunday Times of London, crimes in which guns were used numbered 4,671 in 2005-06.

    Also, government officials report that most gun crime is committed by children and teenagers under 18 years old.

    David Davis, the shadow home secretary, told the Telegraph: "What this shows is that the majority of these crimes are committed by youngsters under 18.

    "The government's policy has failed with the group most responsible for this increase in crime. It is long past time the Government stopped believing its own propaganda, and took measures to get a grip."

    I carry, and woe to he who tries to harm my family.


  • FlyingHighNow
    That's a pretty good caricature. It exaggerates yet captures the basic essence of the general mind-set of each.

    I'm a moderate, leaning slightly to the left southerner. So my answer is a little different than the three choices offered above. I'm an expert shot? I'd shoot the knife from his hand and shoot him in both legs, kick the knife from his reach, so as not to disturb any fingerprints and then call 911. How's that for a fourth option?

  • hillbilly

    I hope I never shoot anyone with one of my "good" guns...

    That Southerners Kimber will be taken into evidence and held for a long time ...even if the shooter is cleared of charges.

    He will have to petition the court to get his pistol back... Then he will find that it's been pawed all over,,, covered in soot and dirty from ballistic test firing... was put away dirty and covered with rusty finger prints.

    My carry guns are well worn and not that valuable to me. I know if used they will likely be lost to the state for a long time and pretty messed up. But it beats being killed while helpless.


  • BurnTheShips
    I'm an expert shot? I'd shoot the knife from his hand and shoot him in both legs, kick the knife from his reach, so as not to disturb any fingerprints and then call 911. How's that for a fourth option?

    I'd love to see you do that. Under the circumstances, you would need to take the sure shot, a high probability center of mass shot, and not get all Annie Oakley on us. Even highly trained cops don't play those games with sidearms. If a cop tried it and failed, he would be held as irresponsible (and rightly so) and have his badge stripped.

    As you say, it's a fourth option--sure, but not in the real world (and yes I realize we are all arguing over a joke thread).

    Burn "Double-Tap" Ships

  • BurnTheShips

    I hope I never shoot anyone with one of my "good" guns...

    That Southerners Kimber will be taken into evidence and held for a long time ...even if the shooter is cleared of charges.

    He will have to petition the court to get his pistol back... Then he will find that it's been pawed all over,,, covered in soot and dirty from ballistic test firing... was put away dirty and covered with rusty finger prints.

    My carry guns are well worn and not that valuable to me. I know if used they will likely be lost to the state for a long time and pretty messed up. But it beats being killed while helpless.


    That's why I go with a cheap Kel-Tec .380 in a pocket holster, or a tried and true inexpensive 38 SPL revolver in "Mexican carry" in an IWB holster. I live in Florida, and we don't wear much in the heat, which limits CCW options. BTS

  • FlyingHighNow

    Hey, Burn, the joke is, I have never shot anything other than BB gun at a target. I don't own any guns, nor do I know how to shoot one. But since this is a joke scenario, I came up with my own fantasy answer. However, if I was going to be capable of shooting anyone, it would be while defending my children or grandchildren.

  • hillbilly

    Yea...even us hot blooded wild eyed southerers know we are liable for every thing we send down range,

    I would be required to aim any projectiles at the criminals center mass... Fire, evaluate, repeat, until threat is gone. If a shot "at the knife", missed ,and went into a home, killing the resident, I'd face a negligent homicide rap

    If more anti gun folks knew how serious we take CCW issues and the training involved maybe they would not be so quick to make jokes about self defense.

  • kurtbethel

    Does this scenario happen often in the US? Is that why you all need guns, or do you just need guns to shoot each other?

    Most of us don't *need* guns. A few of us do. But since we do not know which few will need the gun, many of us carry one in case it is us. It works like an insurance policy. Most people carry insurance, but only a few actually put it into play.

  • Caedes

    I hear the thugs still have guns.

    That's why they sing "God save the Queen", no one else can. All disarmed.

    UK Gun Crimes Soar After Gun Ban

    Sunday, August 26, 2007 8:36 PM

    Article Font Size

    Gun crimes in England have almost doubled since 1997, when a ban on firearms began.

    According to the Sunday Times of London, crimes in which guns were used numbered 4,671 in 2005-06.

    I dont want to get too embroiled in this thread but I would like to point out that your info is incorrect.

    Although gun crime is in fact higher than quoted in your link it is still significantly lower than the US and is lower than last year.

    Compare to figures figure for the US obtained from here;

    When comparing those figures with the relative populations of both countries that means we can calculate what levels of gun crime we could expect to see if the UK had levels of gun crime similar to the US. Assuming that the US has a population around five times that of the UK we would see roughly 80,000 gun crimes a year as compared with the 9500 quoted in the home office report.

  • hillbilly

    When comparing those figures with the relative populations of both countries that means we can calculate what levels of gun crime we could expect to see if the UK had levels of gun crime similar to the US. Assuming that the US has a population around five times that of the UK we would see roughly 80,000 gun crimes a year as compared with the 9500 quoted in the home office report.

    ahhh the dirty statistics of interpolation and assumption.

    Your numbers have doubled. Period.

    In the US murder rates in cities with bans are as high or higher than the country at large. Washington DC and Metro Chicago Ill have some of the worst violent crime numbers in the US ... and both banned handguns years ago.

    How would you deal with the guy and the knife anyway?


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