bring the light,
i believe you are slightly confused about the exact question that is the premise of this thread. The premise is that there IS a supreme God, who by anyone but an atheist would readily admit has the right to set standards, and whether or not he was unfair--if you don't believe that then, fine-- you need to start another thread. Just because you have free will doesn't mean you get to set the standards of right and wrong and what's fair and unfair.
Chyah Wa?
To set up a little game where you lie, someone else tells the truth, and then you change the rules of the game when you lose isn't fair. I declare it so. No such God shall have my allegiance, I can make that decision, I did, and I just shared that with you in this thread.
It looks like i indeed can fail to admit anyone has the right to set standards, determine and state what is fair, and do so in this very thread. I just did all of these things right in front of you for the world to see. I suspect you may be confused here, free will did all of these things.
I suspect little light has reached this poor child.