Cognizant, According to God's rules, the punishment of sin is death. They have a one to one relationship.
If that were strictly true, then why have degrees of sin with degrees of punishment as set out in the old law covenant to the Jews. Why give women painful childbirth? Why allow women to be raped as punishment for sins of their husbands or for not attending God's festivals?
The Law was simply a tool or a teacher leading to God's solution. The Law, magnifies the knowledge of good and bad, it all it's facets.
You see, now you are changing the paramenters to suit your argument. If the wages sin pays is death, then death should be the penalty for every sin.
Same parameters here Cognizant. We all die. It's still a one to one relationship.
God never said anything to Adam and Eve in the garden before they ate the fruit about increasing the pain of childbirth, thorns and thistles in the sweat of your brow, women and children being raped, plagues, pestilences, starvation etc until after they had sinned.
No, he didn't. He left it to us to figure out what life was like cut off from the Source. Because he seees the beginning and the end, I have faith that that executive decision will yield great good in the end. Growing up, my dad told me lots of things to obey which I didn't. Many of those things I found out the practical reasons as to why I was told to obey.
So, it seems that Christians are not the only ones who change the parameters of the game after the fact. It seems that God does the same thing. Some would call that unfair. Given the untold suffering caused by women dying in childbirth, men, women and children, being raped, enslaved, tortured etc (all things God brings about/allows as punishments for disobeying him that were not parameters laid out to Adam and Even as possible consequences to them and their offspring for "sin" beforehand) others might say, God is one sick, cruel, bastard worthy of our contempt not our worship!
That certainly is everyone's right to feel that way. I for one choose to learn from the vast amount of evidence presented by allowing history to unfold the way it has. It certainly has been a great cost.
Well if God placed man in that condition where he could only see himself, he has no one to blame but himself when man is self-centered, does he?
Fallen man is God's enemy. Vanity and Self-centeredness is the default position of man without God. The Vanity of man proves the need for the re-birth. It doesn't make God blame himself for anything. Of couse, this could be proven wrong ...heal thyself.
The removal of God from man allows for many of the attrocities man has experienced.
Again, the most common theme I hear from unbleievers is why didn't God prohibit (fill in the blank). Or, why doesn't God stop (fill in the blank).
Most of those questions can be answered :
1. Our fallen race is God's enemy. As members of "death row" he can legally allow/cause anything because of our 100% guarantee of breaking his (and for most of us, our own) laws.
2. Man wanted absolute free will, and free will is what he got.
You can't have it both ways with God. It is impossible to desire absolute autonomy, and at the same time desire God to perform certain tasks for a person when they personally do many of the very things they wish God to prevent for THEM.
This reduces God to little more than a genie in a bottle, with him being our servant, and us being his master.
God's chosen method is sonship and daughtership.
I doubt, as a loving father, you would be so quick with such an analogy if one of your own beautiful children was raped or murdered. I doubt you would brush it off as something they deserved as sinners and console yourself with the idea that it was justice because they have probably done something just as bad to someone else or at least would have if they had been allowed to grow up.
I have faith, and now proof within me that He can and will reverse ANY effects of this fallen world.