Many years ago, even before this diktat, I recall a brother and his wife practically being threatened with disfellowshipping if they allowed their son to go to university. They left a 2-3 years later when they discovered that one of the Elders who had a go at them, was going to let his daughter go to university.
Big News or rumor!
by Burger Time 39 Replies latest jw friends
mind my own
This is utter lunacy!! I remember it was always frowned upon if someone "let" their kids go to school. They wouldn't have their "privledges" taken away but they were always looked down on. This doesn't make any sense. I mean the more money members make the more they can donate right?
Nothing ceases to amaze me anymore!
very easy way to deal with this:
just don't reach out ! end of story.
let them tighten the screws some more,its like killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. -
This doesn't make any sense. I mean the more money members make the more they can donate right?
Actually, it does make sense. Most that go to college end up leaving the JWs. That was the whole reason for this new rule.
Guess they make a lot less money when those that go to college leave the cult altogether...
I was in a small congregation in PA in a university town in the '70's; an elder sent his son to college and the boe removed him. He was sort of a vip, had been at bethel, friend of knorr but these small town, uneducated elders still removed him. I'd moved away and don't know if he appealed or how it turned out.
What I can't see is how they'd make exceptions. If they do that, why bother as a jw can find a justification for anything.
Burger Time
Thanks for the replies everyone! I actually found out my friend posted on here, and obviously there were multiple sorry if anyone read this thinking it was something new.
They said it depends on if the elder feels that you need to go to college to basically survive you won't get your privileges taken away. If they feel its not absolutely necessary to go to college then you can get your privileges taken away
so then if that elder/PO went to college/Uni then it is okay. If your PO is a window-washer then your booted. What a joke
If this big news or rumour proves to have any credibility.......................I am personally going to write an article dishing all such dirt on the jw organisation and got to every major tabloid in this country with this story.
It stinks.................people's lives go down the pan for this religion and people should be aware of what they are getting involved in when those 'meek' people knock on their doors.
I'm not saying this rumor is fabricated, I am just going to guess it is a local thing, a pet peeve of one CO
"They said it depends on if the elder feels that you need to go to college to basically survive you won't get your privileges taken away"
So for a GB member kid (Judah Ben?) it's probably a necessary thing...but really, what business does the son of a farm worker in Yakima Valley have in thinking an engineering degree is "necessary"? He can pick apples!