Big News or rumor!

by Burger Time 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • easyreader1970

    That would be the second most ridiculous rule ever made in the history of bone-headed rules made by the WBTS. The first, of course, being the "no blood" rule--which I think they would like to change but because of the backlash they are forced to stick to it.

    What about elders and servants who are driving around in $50,000+ cars and trucks? Why couldn't they equally be held back from services and such? The logic would be the same. They are pursuing the "valueless things" of the world instead of pursuing giving their lives away. If they kept their eye "simple" they'd go get a 1988 Toyota Corolla for $600.

    What about brothers that own their own businesses, some of which being fairly lucrative? Would they have to lose their positions as well? Why can't they work as a high school janitor and devote more time for passing out worthless pieces of paper at the train station?


  • Seeker4

    I'm interested in seeing exactly what this new approach turns out to be.

    Total ban on college for elders or MS or lose your privileges?

    Lose your privileges if you speak out favorably about college?

    In other words - you can go to college or have your kids go, as long as it's on the QT.

    Either way you cut it, this is going to send more and more people here to JWD. Either way it's great - the GB are truly idiots out of touch with the real world. Maybe the GB doesn't care - they are going to lose members who get an education, and they are going to lose members if they set up punishments for those who get an education. Maybe they just see this as the lesser of two evils.

    Fear of college and banning higher education makes the Witnesses look absurd - a lunatic fringe of stupid yahoos. Very appealing for gaining new members, eh??


  • stillajwexelder
  • sir82
    they are going to lose members who get an education, and they are going to lose members if they set up punishments for those who get an education.

    Good point.

    If that is what they are thinking, it would serve to back up my idea that they are more interested in power than money. Better, in their viewpoint, to have millions of ignorant followers who will, for example, stand in line for hours on end just to shake their hand or have a picture taken with them, than to have the extra donations that might roll in from better-educated dubs.

    The $Billions to come from their all-but-certain sell-off of Brooklyn properties and subsequent move to Patterson & Wallkill will fund the organization for as long as the current GB'ers are alive.

    They're probably kicking themselves for not selling at the top of the bubble a few years ago. Now they'll have to wait several more years until the market allows top dollar for their properties.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    Most that go to college end up leaving the JWs. That was the whole reason for this new rule.

    yep, that is what happened to me. I was "serving" as an Elduh and going to community college FT (18 credits...6 classes)...congo secretary, CBSO....and the local BOE, esp my former nemesis (I will call him Brother Jackass..with a wink to those who know him know what I am talking about) , the previous secretary, did not think I was setting a good example by going to and discussing college with the young ones in the congo. The CO made them back off (this was back in 2004-2006) and told me it was my decision and as long as I did not neglect my congregation duties or suffered spiritually, there was nothing they could do. This particular elder, Brother Jackass, was also the WT conductor and often used this post to pontificate from the platform on Sunday about the evils of education and that it was not necessary to go beyond high school or even a GED..... just go out and get a job. That is what he did.

    My first class in community college was Ethics (aka "Contemporary Moral Problems") and that class really opened my eyes up to alternate ways of thinking...exactly what the Slobbering Buddy (aka GB) doesn't want us to do. One of my last classes in my first degree (I am pursuing something additional now), was Introduction to Philosophy....those two classes really helped me to extract myself from the very one-sided way of thinking that I had been locked into for nearly four decades ... all but my first four years of life as a dub.

    Though I did listen to the Borg on not going to college in the early 80s when I got out of high school, back when the pendulum swung toward a more restrictive bent, I am glad that when the pendulum swung to a more moderate position that I took the opportunity afforded by this brief window of tolerance by the Borg and went back to college. Now that the pendulum has once again swung to a more restrictive view on secondary education, they have already lost one of their so-called "shining stars" in the Borg...they wasted their MTS training on me ....only to be undone by a mere community college in the

    I have observed more and more young people and their parents ignoring the Blithering Idiots (aka GB) and their back water view of the world and the need to get an education. I am glad to see this trend continue. I hope that more and more in the Organization wake up and smell the coffee and see that it is imperative that they and/or their young ones get advanced schooling. Maybe a Bachelor's degree or higher is not needed, but some sort of education is required or a person is doomed to work at minimum wage jobs, or high physcial labor jobs (ie janitorial) for the rest of their life... (note to Mr. Flipper: nothing against janitorial work...I did it for many years..and it can be a honest and productive way to earn a living...I just dont want to work that damn hard ever again in my life )

    It will be interesting to see if the Whacktower Kool-Aid editions flip flops on previously published, more moderate, opinions on education.... or if it will continue to be in the realm of Circuit Overseer talks and overly zealous Gibbering Body talks at Grand Boasting Sessions...... inquiring apostates want to

    Snakes ()

  • lancelink

    They're probably kicking themselves for not selling at the top of the bubble a few years ago. Now they'll have to wait several more years until the market allows top dollar for their properties.

    Gee, why didn't god direct the group to sell when the market was so high???

  • independent_tre

    I typed out a long response only to have it disappear. Oh well, my main point was that advanced education promotes critical thinking, and we can't have any of that at the KH. "Obedience" and "yeilding" are crammed down your throat until it chokes out any vestige of independent thought. Also the society is constantly pointing out that spiritual things are revealed to "babes", so don't get a higher education or you'll lose your ability to understand basic scriptural ideas.

    I, for one, am a super geek and I love reading and learning new things . If only I could make a living going to school, I would've never left campus!

  • StAnn


    If only I could make a living going to school, I would've never left campus!

    That's called being a professor.


  • sspo

    I hope it's not just a rumor and will go into effect.

    Many will get disgusted with the GB, as they seat on their thrones without any money problems when

    the rank and files are struggling out there to make ends meet, paying almost $5 a gallon for gas and trying

    to get their hours in as pioneer or publishers. On top of that, they have to come up with the money to buy cars and gas and food for the CO and DO.

  • The Scotsman
    The Scotsman

    This is a bit of a shocker for me.

    I know the org has been negative regarding higher education for many years but this is a "rule"!!

    I personally know of a few elders and MSs who are currently attending Uni.

    They are going to lose more appointed men through this.

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