I Really, Really Want a Baby...

by cognac 68 Replies latest jw friends

  • dinah

    I was thinking more like 6 months. Of course, you'll have 9 months to get ready. I know how stressful waking up is, of course I did it with a 2-year old and 5-year old. That was tough. Probably slowed progress alot.

    Aren't you afraid to bring a child into this world with Armageddon right around the corner? *wink*

  • sweetstuff

    Ok, before taking the big leap into parenthood, which is a wonderful, exhausting and rewarding experience all rolled into one, I would advise the following..

    1. Sleep with the hottest men who you would never consider father material, just for the fun of it...memories for the years to come.

    2. Do all the things you could not possibly do with a child, say...travel the world, go skydiving, whatever suits your fancy.

    3. Sleep ALOT, cause you won't get much or any in your first few parenting years.

    4. Watch other parents with really bratty kids and learn from them what NOT to do with your own.

    5. Go out with your girlfriends, boyfriends, get all your "nightout" and "roadtrip" spur of the moment experiences now, cause once the kids come, kiss that goodbye for a long time!

    6. Did I mention sleep with really hot guys simply because they are hot and not because you see any relationship potentional therein? (Who cares if he's dumb as a stick, he's just eye candy!)

    P.S. To all the men agast at my suggestion that she enjoy using men as sexual objects, suck it up boys, its been done to women for the history of humanity.

  • IP_SEC
    enjoy using men as sexual objects,

    Actually that is one of the most happifying statements I ever heard.

  • sweetstuff
    Actually that is one of the most happifying statements I ever heard.

    LOL, better than stupifying I suppose.

  • dinah

    Home run, Sweetstuff!

    But it is so true. You have no time. I couldn't go to the bathroom by myself for 5 years. Then before you know it, they are teenagers and your once precious daughter is constantly rolling her eyes at you.

    If you have more than one, you'll never have sex again without someone banging on the bedroom door (unless you send them to grandma's). If you have one child, Barney will give you about 20 minutes

    But there are moments than will make your heart burst with joy, other moments will almost break it. It's a real roller coaster.

    I shoulda had that one hot guy, before I got all tied down. Oh wait, I married him. Let's not talk about the dumb as a stick comment.

  • treadnh2o

    I don't think any of the guys are joking

  • yknot

    Start taking PreNatal vitamins immediately as it helps prevent a host of maladies including miscarriage. Then calculate your personal cycle, and pick which month you would like to deliver.

    Hubby and I are contemplating the same thing in a year of two since our youngest starts PreK next semester.......

  • dinah

    One other thing, try not to be pregnant during the summer. It's miserable. Both of my kids were born in October. August and September were awful!!!!!

  • wings

    my best advice....GET OVER IT NOW!!!!

    This from a woman with six kids! & six grandkids....

    Too flipping hard.

    wings (ouch, don't want to think about it anymore)

  • Sparkplug

    I really think Wings has a point there!

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