COGNAC- My wife and I are babysitting my son's 4 month black labrador retriever- and she's adorable ! She has to stay with us awhile as my son and his girlfriend find a place that takes animals ! We'll loan her out for awhile to you ! She's chewing everything up ! LOL! Peace out, Mr. Flipper
I Really, Really Want a Baby...
by cognac 68 Replies latest jw friends
<<<Volunteers to be someones #6 off of Sweetstuff's list.
Hey! Some women find me hot.
I have since as far back as I can remember. I don't really think the JW thing will be an issue anymore...
Ok, so what do you think?
I was about to offer my services, now I see that I have been beaten to the punch. Considering the circumstances, I propose an extremely friendly competition. We line up for a rapid fire gang-bang, the man with the fastest swimming boys, wins. Whatchasayguys? or don't you believe your soldiers can swim? hehe *dibs on first bang* who wants sloppy seconds?
wow, this is so not where I was going with this thread, lol...
You just went thru some major adustments. Just a week or so ago, you were talking about maybe having to leave. You were scared to death.
Don't you think you need to give it some time, and make sure this isn't the "calm before the storm"? The jw issue may be lurking, or just simmering right now. Don't you want to make sure before you bring a child into what could be an explosive situation?
I was about the type the same thing. Baby don't cure issues in a relationship, sometimes they just make them worse...
BD's granddaughter got pregnant by accident, when she lost it, she went insane (the hormones you know) and got pregnant again.
Now she is stuck with a baby that she doesn't want and looks for any chance she can to pawn it off on anyone. She won't even take the baby with her to the store, now she can't get anyone to babysit. She has to live with this for the rest of her life.
Be sure that you are ready, willing and able to provide for the child; before, you do it. Take some parenting classes, borrow a friends baby for the weekend, (I'll send you the granddaughter phone number, of you want.)
BD's other granddaughter is pregnant for the second time, from a guy that hasn't yet divorced his previous wife, the first one is four. They fight all the time and trade nights to go out clubbing, (Monday he goes out while she babysits, Tuesday she goes out while he babysits and so on ...)
If I ever become single again, I will get snipped; before, I start dating again. I guess you can tell that, I am not volunteering to be the father.
Thanks everyone for your input.
I've wanted a child for years. I've been setting up my situation for years so that I can have kids. I'm in a pretty good situation to have them. Well, except for the fact that my family is JWs... This is not something that I just decided I wanted to do. I wanted this a few years ago but it was bad timing...
I've planned everything out. The baby's name, what type of birth, where I would be giving birth, getting set-up on pre-natel vitamins, eating habits, my work situation, the way in which I would discipline, caring for other children on weekends (however, I'm from a huge family so I'm pretty familiar with kids) - just everything...
I only drink occasionally (I won't at all when I'm trying)
I'm off all meds
Just, nothing could be more perfect - except my family is JWs (did I already say that? lol)
Then do it.
No time like the present.
Anyone else here think we can't wait for her to get knocked up and watch all her plans and schedules go right out the window. all so we can laugh and point?
yes it seems a bit cruel, but the spawn of your uterus will take one look at how you want to do it and puke on it.
Bobbi, survivor of the 4 pregnancies and the births of three sons. -
Hi, Cognac. I understand the feeling; I too want children, but am having to put it off (apparently indefinitely) because of the JW thing (I am an UBM). It sounds like you've had a lot of turmoil and upheaval in your family life recently, so for that reason alone it might be wise to wait at least a little while until you're sure you're on sound footing. You do seem like a strong person, able to handle all your family crap as it comes with strength and grace, so that's a positive. Once a baby is on the scene, your primary role will be to protect that child at all costs. So be sure you're at a place where you feel strong and confident enough about your stamina to protect YOURSELF first. If you're around children a lot in general, then you already know that in addition to the "fun" parts, it is also a huge commitment and a huge amount of work that will change your life and your priorities forever.
How does your husband feel about having a child now? Also, didn't you mention in another post somewhere that you might be moving soon? (Sorry if I'm getting you mixed up with someone else.) That could be good or bad, depending on the distance and circumstances. As others have said, you will want and need support from family and/or friends nearby, but on the other hand, a little distance from toxic people would be a real blessing.
Best wishes to you. I wish I was to the point where I felt it was "safe" to have a child; if you're there, I'm really happy for you :-)