Just go hang out at Chuck-E-Cheese on a Saturday afternoon while they have birthday parties going on. After the first hour, you'll be playing ski-ball trying to win enough tickets to get your tubes tied.
I Really, Really Want a Baby...
by cognac 68 Replies latest jw friends
I haven't read all the replies so I don't know if this has stayed serious or turned into a tongue-in-cheek sex thread...
...but staying serious for a moment...
Whenever I hear a person (usually a woman) say they "want a baby", I get the feeling they're just caught up in a moment of wanting a "baby". They haven't thought about what happens after the "baby". It then becomes a child, then a pre-teen, then a teenager, then a sullen teenager, then a young adult. It's a twenty-plus year investment, not a two year investment.
If you're ready for all that, then instead of saying, "I want a baby", one should be saying, "I'm ready to raise a child and forfeit my next twenty years to make sure our child is raised properly". If you can't say that, then you're not ready for a baby, even if you want one.
Thanks for all your replys! I've been mulling over what's been said for a few days now. You have give me a lot to think about...
Having a child is one of the most rewarding and most natural pleasures that we can have. (Not "making" the child, but raising the child) My kid changed my life forever- he was one of the best things that ever happened to me. There may be a lot of JW propaganda still floating around in your head about the loss of freedom, "problems", etc. I say that all of that is fear-mongering from the childless writers in Brooklyn.
It makes sense to plan appropriately to bring the child into the most supportive, healthy environment you can. (You have to figure out what that means for yourself.) But don't deny yourself this basic right because your circumstances aren't perfect.
:I Really, Really Want a Baby...
:Ok, so what do you think?
Have you tried e-Bay?
I have a 13 month old grandson, who is teething. I'll loan him out. That'll take care of this problem!!
John Doe
I've only skimmed the posts, but I haven't seen a mention of a father figure. If you're not in a steady relationship, a baby is a poor idea by most people's standards. I'm not downplaying the accomplishments of single parents, but children really do need two parents.
My opinion.....Anybody that says they "want to have a baby" rather than saying "I'm ready to start a family" is on the wrong track. Babies turn into toddlers who turn into
young children, who turn into pre-teens, who turn into teenagers, who turn into college-bound young adults. Each stage has issues to deal with and
you HAVE to be focused, at least moderately happy, and secure to give a child what they need emotionally and psychologically at each stage. IMO, your own life's issues
need to be ironed out first. Trying to give a child the love and security they need is difficult enough without including a bunch of household DRAMA in the mix.
I'm bored and tired of dealing with the bu**sh*t....."I want to have a baby"......yeah! that will solve everything.