
by Hortensia 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hortensia

    well, I had a procedure today I've wanted for quite a while. I've had atrial fibrillation for years. today I had a cardioversion - electrical shock to the heart to convert it to normal rhythm. I was nervous beforehand although it is a really safe procedure. Had to go to the hospital to do it - they gave me this fast acting dope, one minute I was wondering when it would all start, seemed like a minute later I asked the nurse and he said it was all over and I have normal sinus rhythm!!! Right now I feel as though I've been kicked in the chest, but I suppose that will go away.

    on an unrelated subject, today Paula Dean made macaroni and cheese, one of the ten worst foods there is as far as health is concerned. Then she chilled it, made it into balls, wrapped it in bacon, rolled it in crumbs, and deep fried it. I always wonder if these cooking show people actually eat like they cook on their shows. If they do, then we could start taking bets on when she'll have her first heart attack. Wow! Deep fried, bacon wrapped, macaroni and cheese.

  • PEC

    Congratulations, now have some Deep fried, bacon wrapped, macaroni and cheese.


  • Thechickennest

    Sounds scary to me-cardioversion. A year ago or so I overexerted myself big time and got heart palpations. It was hot outside so I just sat down until they stopped. Now, I found out that I have gained an extra heartbeat. My thyroid took a dive and something else too right after that. I am more careful now.

    I am only 49! The NBC guy that does or did, great work dropped dead at 58....

    That macoroni concuction sounds deadly! I started laughing when I read that part of your post. My daughter had to ask me what I was laughing about! I really enjoy your contributions to this board. Thank you.

  • Hortensia

    Philip, where did you find the photo of the deep fried macaroni? My lord, that is funny. Chickennest, I was pretty nervous and then it turned out to be pretty easy. I'm relieved.

    I saw Anthony Bourdain's show recently, he was in Scotland, and he had a meal of deep fried everything, including deep fried pizza and deep fried candy bar. Oh my goodness! I must be hungry - but I'm not having anything deep fried, you can be sure.

  • Hope4Others

    Your here to tell the story and that's what counts..hope your good a new now!

    The macoroni ball.....All I can say is Yuk....


  • Scully

    Good to hear the procedure went well! It's nice to have normal sinus rhythm, isn't it?

    As far as Paula Dean goes, I quit watching her when she made deep fried cheese cake. And then slathered it with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. Y'ALL.

    If the woman eats like that all the time, I imagine we'll be reading her obituary some day soon.

  • jgnat

    OK, you made me look. Paula Deen is not that overweight. My guess is that she feeds other people to the grave. Loves to watch.

    I admit I'm drooling over that deep-fried macaroni. Now that I've cut the excess sugar, salt, and fat from our diet, binging is a huge temptation.

    On the other hand, cooking with fresh herbs and spices brings out new flavors in the food that I'd never noticed before. Howcome nobody told me that parsnips got zip? Boy, they add a lot to soups and stews.

    My binging portions are getting smaller and smaller. The poor old digestive system can't take a big hit anymore. Has anyone seen that antacid commercial where the fast-food couriers are lined up around the hallway? I gag at that commercial now. Too much, too much!

  • jgnat

    For real downhome cooking, try "Company's Coming" by Jean Pare, a local celebrity. She uses common ingredients you have on hand. All her recipes work. All are simple. And she adjusts her recipes to modern (healthy) tastes.

  • PEC
    where did you find the photo of the deep fried macaroni?

    Food TV web site, where else could it be.

  • Hortensia

    this could tie into the sandwich thread. My favorite sandwich, a reuben, is so bad for your health that I never eat it any more, but i still love it!

    Saw the cardiologist today - had an ekg - still in normal sinus rhythm. It does feel better, I used to be able to feel the palpitations all the time, but now it's just smooth and even.

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