All Scientists Believe Global Warming is a Fact

by Farkel 59 Replies latest social current

  • avishai

    This guy is a meteorologist in chico.

    Here is his website

    Even if your a diehard believer in Global warming, hell ESPECIALLY if you're a diehard believer, these weather stations that we're getting "concrete data" from need serious help.

  • SixofNine

    Remember when they said the ozone hole in the Arctic was widening and this was going to cause some problems , well guess what it

    closed up and its back to normal or perhaps even smaller .

    Sometimes I think the scientific community puts forth speculative theories just so they can get monetary grants from their governments.

    :shakes head at the wonder of it all:

    :beats head against brick at the futility of it all:

    Scientist, some of them the same scientist working the anthropogenic global warming problem, and Farkel's dark smelly headspace aside, it is a problem, discovered what could happen to the ozone layer, discovered what was happening to the ozone layer, discovered why, and teamed up with policy makers to work solutions to the problem; later discovering it happening on a massive and frightening scale, went to work with policy makers and fixed the problem.

    No 'thank you' coming from Homerovah for those guys, I suppose.

    Research impelled a major policy breakthrough in the late 1980s, although not for climate. International public concern over damage to the protective stratospheric ozone layer, and scientific work coordinated by UNEP, led to policy discussions beginning in 1982. The result was a Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer, signed by 20 nations in 1985. This document was only a toothless expression of hopes, but it established a framework. The framework became useful when the discovery of an "ozone hole" over Antarctica shocked officials and the public, showing that the problem was already upon us. In the epochal 1987 Montreal Protocol of the Vienna Convention, governments formally pledged to restrict emission of specific ozone-damaging chemicals.

  • barry

    You are all completely wrong global warming does exists its a 50 billion a year industry. Who can argue with that.

  • WTWizard

    Here is my take:

    Global warming is in fact happening, but not to the degree that people would like to think. We are warming up, at a pace that is bringing us back to where we were before the Little Ice Age. In fact, it was warmer during the First Dark Ages to where Greenland was largely inhabitable. The politicians that are selling the greenhouse effect seem to have thrown out those numbers.

    Not only is our current warming paltry compared to what the politicians would have us believe, but it is happening on Mars as well. I don't think there are any SUVs on Mars. Nor are they helping warm Mars by running plasma TVs, Christmas lights, or computers. But that planet is warming anyways. Seems that we are having a paltry effect in warming our planet.

    However, that is still no excuse for the witlesses to be wasting energy putting out their littera-trash. The coal that runs the printing presses still pollutes (and creates no value in the process), as does the gas wasted in distributing those wastes of paper. They are polluting, and producing nothing of value.

  • Caedes

    Global warming is a fact, it's what causes it that is in dispute.

    Still if all those global warming conspiricists (you know, the scientists with actual training in the field) are correct then I guess we will have all these wonderful armchair experts to thank for a policy of doing nothing.

  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack;

    - I reckon know exactly where they are coming from with that one.

    It is scarcely rocket science (one would think!) that a thermometer is going to read higher when set out in direct sunlight, than if it was positioned in the shade.
    Having been involved with industrial measurements for over 20 years, I can state with some authority that standards are laid down for the taking of measurements - so that one lot of results can be compared with another lot of results, and still mean something.

    Regarding air temperature, the standard is supposed to be that the thermometer is located in an enclosure known as a "Stevenson Screen", painted white, mounted four feet above the ground, and located in an open area.

    Yet, these requirements seem to be all too often lost:

    - I myself have seen a thermometer placed above the iron roof of a building, exposed to the full force of the tropical sun - and in the direct line of the exhaust gas from a 10 000 hp Gas Turbine Engine.
    (Exhaust temperatures in the vicinity of 745 degrees Celsius).

    - The output from that "Weather Station" fed directly back into the computer database of a large mine, operated by the biggest gold mining company in the world.

    I would not at all be surprised if the data collected from that site is finding its way into the stats. that "prove" Global Warming / Climate Change or whatever.
    (Incidentally, the instigator of the location of this particular thermometer was completely unconcerned when we tried to point out these facts).

    From what I have seen, this particular website may well have a point.


  • Gill

    It's June. I'm in the UK.. It's Bloody freezing! I KNOW there is no global warming.

    The Earth's climate has always changed, and it's nothing to do with whether I, you, or a china man is driving a car!

    BUT, the people at the top WANT, CRAVE, and are BESEOTTED by money. They're not besotted with their own money as that's all safely tucked away, but they're concerned that the rest of us might have any money and so they invent a nice little story of terror that the media has been enrolled in and fallen for hook line and sinker! They started screaming GLOBAL WARMING and it's supposed to be caused by us rif raf.....yeah! Whatever!

    Never believed it, never will and perhaps it's time to dust down Madame le Guillotine just to remind the people at the top what happens when they mess with us at the bottom of the pile!

  • metatron

    I have read that 4 official observation authorities have stated that global warming stopped about 9 years ago and that global temperatures declined slightly last year,

    Would any Warming defenders care to comment?


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Global warming is in fact happening, but not to the degree that people would like to think. We are warming up, at a pace that is bringing us back to where we were before the Little Ice Age. In fact, it was warmer during the First Dark Ages to where Greenland was largely inhabitable.

    WT I found your post closest to my opinion. Global weather and temperature changes should be looked at over centuries, not months or years. The temperature on this planet has changed drastically over time and back again several times.

    I remember reading once that 1,000 years ago the king of France bemoaned the fact that England produced better wine. The temperatures were warmer at that point in Europe. One theory about global warming I've heard says that as the planet warms the gulf stream will be affected, thus cooling Europe.

    I do believe the planet is warming, but I do not believe anyone has established the cause behind the warming. Fossil fuel or natural cycle? Having said that, I do not think it is good for the planet or the people to pump billions of tons of pollutants into the air, the atmosphere or the water. At some point logic says it must have an effect.

    I do no believe all the scare headlines. There was a newsman who once said that the media's job is not to inform the public but to scare them. Why? Because it gets ratings and increases newspaper/magazine sales. While I think there is some truth in global warming, and it needs to be studied more, I can't help but feel as if global warming fits his definition.


  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty
    I do not believe all the scare headlines. There was a newsman who once said that the media's job is not to inform the public but to scare them. Why? Because it gets ratings and increases newspaper/magazine sales. While I think there is some truth in global warming, and it needs to be studied more, I can't help but feel as if global warming fits his definition.

    Totally agree with that Tex, the media was responsible for over sensationalized hype regarding the situation and of course the Eco warriors jumped on it like hot pancakes.

    Obviously there is proof of regional warming particularly in the northern hemisphere but what is exactly causing this is still vaguely been determined.

    And as you pointed out Tex we shouldn't put all of are weight into the information that the media puts out.

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