All Scientists Believe Global Warming is a Fact

by Farkel 59 Replies latest social current

  • Farkel


    :confounded:cientist, some of them the same scientist working the anthropogenic global warming problem, and Farkel's dark smelly headspace aside, it is a problem, discovered what could happen to the ozone layer, discovered what was happening to the ozone layer, discovered why, and teamed up with policy makers to work solutions to the problem; later discovering it happening on a massive and frightening scale, went to work with policy makers and fixed the problem.

    :and Farkel's dark smelly headspace

    That is the trope to end all tropes. Care to explain to us what that is supposed to mean?

    First, you believe that the ozone layer holes WERE a problem because so did everyone else. That "problem" is not unlike the global warming "problem." The fact is, the patent on freon was about to expire a few years AFTER the ozone scare started. It was owned by Dupont as I recall and they have a lock on production and marketing of freon. Once the patent expired, anyone could make and market freon. Dupont started the scare within a window which allowed them to develop and patent an alternative to freon and once again have a lock on refrigerants. Air conditioning experts tell me the new refrigerant is chemically marginally different from the old refrigerant.

    But yet, the "ozone layer" problem magically disappeared! Back when the scare was on, critics pointed out there were many times in the earth's history where giant holes existed in the ozone layer, but things eventually got back to normal.

    There was lots of money to be made with ozone as the culprit and there are tons of money to be made with CO2 as the culprit. The thing that is scary for me is not that there are scoundrels involved but that so many normal people who are not going to profit but are going to eventually have to pay money to those scoundrels are naively caught up in the movement and are helping promote junk science with a huge price tag attached.

    Has anyone mentioned the simple fact that plants just LOVE CO2 and without it they would die? Has anyone mentioned the fact that the Sahara a desert is receding very quickly and is become verdant again while all this horrible "warming" is happening?


  • james_woods

    Satanus, Clark Kent Gore does not need a mask & cape. His Gulfstream IV does very nicely at 500mph+ on good old fossil fuels.

  • Satanus

    Yabutt, a jet puts out a lot more poisonous co2 than does clark kent. Kent's output is marginal, depending on what he eats.


  • SixofNine

    Has anyone mentioned the simple fact that plants just LOVE CO2 and without it they would die?

    No, I'm sure scientist are completely unaware. Did you know that you can die from drinking too much water, Farkel?

    That seems to about the same amount of intellectual rigor you applied to comparing Horus and Jesus.

    Honestly, if you're just going to make up a story about the future, like you made up a story about the past (wrt the ozone layer), then science is dead to you, and I'm not going to waste my time refuting stories.

    You aren't skeptical though. Don't ever say you are. You are merely cynical, with a store-bought narrative. Or more accurately, a radio-host imparted narrative.

    Oh, and the governing body? You used to do pretty good work against them Farkel. They were and are dumbasses.

  • james_woods

    Thank you Satanus. I had always wondered what propelled Superman...he never did seem to flap his arms very much.

    And I never did buy into that idea that he could jump so high that he just went ballistic.

  • Farkel


    So, you're basically saying that a good argument for you bolstered by slurs and personal attacks. To each his own.


  • james_woods

    OK - no more Clark Kent funny stuff for a moment. I think that the point about the "Ozone Hole" is of solid interest here. It was the poster child for the same people who love the "Global Warming" argument some years ago. The main effect of it was to raise the price of automotive Freon (not, you notice home refrigeration types, nor most commercial uses) - just automotive Freon to about an order of magnitude over what is was before. A certain chemical company was very glad about this as their patents on old Freon were running out. You never head about this Ozone Hole any more - it is still there and fluctuates up and down year by year, mostly depending on sunspot activity.

  • SixofNine

    This is the same as dealing with people who believe that the government used explosives to bring down the twin towers. You've got your narrative, you've got your stupidity, and you've got your cynicism (which is just a form of stupidity, frankly. It's a lazy-mind at psuedo-work). There's something called skepticism, it's almost the opposite of cynicism. Getcha some.

    Convenient all-powerful nemesis? Check.

    All of humanity (except our hero Farkel and others like him) willing to be manipulated by all-powerful nemesis? Check.

    Narrative pulled out of ass to support general angst against politicians on the left (usually to show how much you generally distrust politicians, while at the same time you employ none of the same cynicism to right wing arguments... where is Farkel's criticism of James Inhoff?). Check.

    That whole cfc thing... yep, that was just the entire world being played like a fiddle by executives at Dupont. You "don't hear about this Ozone hole anymore"... because it's a scientific success story. Can't have that now can we? Pretty soon we'd have people thinking god didn't make everything, and Al Gore isn't the devil.

  • james_woods

    SixofNiine, I don't know if you were ranting at me or at Farkel, but let me ask you this:

    If the CFC revolution was such a "scientific success story", then should I take your word that the Ozone hole is now gone?

  • beksbks

    Did he say the Ozone "hole" is gone, or did he say we figured out what we were doing to cause it, and fixed it?

    Just like we figured out that dumping chemicals into the ground is harmful, crapping out the window causes disease, smoking causes cancer, etc. etc. We grow we learn, we apply what we have learned. What's so darn hard to figure out when it comes to environmental health? Because in cases where it means we may have to modify our collective habits, some people would rather stick their head in the sand and call it a "scam" than give up their planet raping consumerism.


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