For those who accept the "mark"

by Yadirf 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar


    Can I be a Lurker?

    You said
    That’s perfectly correct. Simple answer for it, even as I earlier said it was. All one has to do is review the account of the Flood in the book of Genesis. Doing that, one will find that Jehovah stated that he would never again bring ALL flesh to ruin. (Genesis 9:11-16) Of course the Flood DID bring all flesh to ruin, ANIMALS and all, except those comparatively few that were aboard the Ark.

    The flood apparently did not bring all flesh to ruin, there were the animals and people inside the Ark.
    So the reference must apply to life outside the ark otherwise that statement and the rainbow would not make sense.
    consider the import of God's decleration."Never will I bring all flesh to ruin" accompanied with the sign of the rainbow.
    Of what comfort or point was that to those listening or reading about it in later years?
    Were the animals going to give a sigh of relief at Armaggeddon?( not that there would be any relief in the Great Tribulation for them)
    How about us Humans, If God is not going act like he did at the flood where does destructive Armaggeddon fit into this picture?
    Of what comfort is to those being execued whether they will die by any means, rather than by a flood.
    Actually according to the Bible the earth is stored up for Fire! what a relief.!!!

    The Flood of Noah was "Over kill" in the truest sense of the word. Wipe out the entire Earth because God could not control a few of his own Angels.
    What wisdom the Flood was from our creator,,,NOT.

    The point of the flood or the Rainbow?



    Like all people who have nothing, I lived on dreams

  • Yadirf


    Your partial quote of what I said somewhat de-emphasizes the crucial point of the matter. Here’s the rest of what I had stated, along with additional bolding and underlining for the sake of emphasis where apparently needed:

    Yes, at that time Jehovah brought even the lives of the animal kingdom to ruin. But not so though in the case of Armageddon. At Armageddon ONLY PEOPLE who have accepted the “mark” will be the focus of God’s wrath. Obviously, the animals do not have that capability. So your question, “didn't god state that he would never cause a flood again?,” is somewhat distracting from the real issue. In effect you were arguing that if that were true then it would be inconsistent for JWs to claim that God plans to do a similar thing at Armageddon. But the point of God’s promise in Genesis was that he never again would ‘cut off ALL flesh’, such as happened in the Flood. So God isn’t inconsistent with his words there in Genesis by bringing about Armageddon.
    Note that at Armageddon God will have lived up to his promise to never again ‘cut off ALL flesh’, in that the animal kingdom won’t be the focus of his wrath. Those hit at Armageddon will be IDOLATERS, due to their having opted to place the World Government in that day in first place … as having more authority than the One who created the universe.

    consider the import of God's decleration."Never will I bring all flesh to ruin" accompanied with the sign of the rainbow.
    Yes, but it has to be appreciated whom the “all” had reference to. By allowing the Bible a chance at consistency, rather than to plow through its pages looking for a flaw, one can identity whom the “all” did in fact have reference to. And of course it would be none other than the animals, not humans at all. The fact that at the Flood even animals were sacrificed, but at Revelation’s Armageddon they aren’t, shows what God meant by his words in Genesis.

    Of what comfort or point was that to those listening or reading about it in later years?
    Well, I don’t know about YOU but as for me I’m very glad that the animal kingdom will escape the destructive forces of Armageddon.

    Were the animals going to give a sigh of relief at Armaggeddon?
    Of course the animals alive at the time Armageddon takes place will have known nothing of God’s promise to Noah and his sons, because they are merely dumb animals (except for my puppy of course, because he’s exceedingly smart). However, as I said above it is very heartening for animal lovers to know that God’s justified anger won’t be directed at and include the animal kingdom.

    How about us Humans, If God is not going [to] act like he did at the flood where does destructive Armaggeddon fit into this picture?
    The point is that God IS going to act quite similarly to the way he did at the Flood, especially with regards to us Humans who, unlike the animals, DO have the capacity to know that there is no higher authority than the One who created us but in spite of that bows to the authority of a creation of man, namely the World Government of that day.

    Of what comfort is [it] to those being execued whether they will die by any means, rather than by a flood.
    Even as I’ve already stressed, God’s words in Genesis had reference to the ANIMALS only and so you are asking a foolish question.

    Actually according to the Bible the earth is stored up for Fire! what a relief.!!!
    You are quite mistaken, and undoubtedly overcome by Christendom’s exaggerations of the Scriptures. The earth will be like new again after the cleansing action of Armageddon followed by the reign of Christ for a thousand years. It will be as if the old system were lit ablaze so as to be fully and completely consumed. Christendom has taken that which was figurative language and interpreted it literally so as to bolster her fond belief that all the “saved” will go to Heaven to live with God. The fact is that Christendom doesn’t understand the Bible, and never has. Christendom is nothing less than an invention of Satan’s for the purpose of causing confusion in the fleshly realm (mankind) as to what is truth. He has very craftily provided an alternative to REAL Christianity, in the form of the multiple denominations of Christendom. Jesus knew that he would do so, even predicting it in the parable of the wheat and weeds. So, no, the earth is NOT “stored up for Fire!”, as you’ve exclaimed.

    The Flood of Noah was "Over kill" in the truest sense of the word. Wipe out the entire Earth because God could not control a few of his own Angels.
    The fact of the matter is that God has indeed controlled the particular angels of which you speak, the very angels who foolishly made the decision to abandon their proper spirit abode in order to copulate with the daughters of man by means of a materialization of themselves in the form of flesh . By being to this very day held prisoner to the confines of “Tartarus” they are very much in God’s “control”. And God exercised control over the fleshly situation of that time too, by ‘wiping man whom he had created off the surface of the ground’ … specifically those who were showing no appreciation for the gift of life that they had received and whose every thought was bad all the time. -- Genesis 6:5-7.

    Insofar as you claiming that the Flood was an “Over kill”, you’re also the one who thinks that God is unjust for bringing about Armageddon for the sake of cleansing the earth of all that is damaging.

    What wisdom the Flood was from our creator,,,NOT.
    You’re sadly mistaken, even as you are about a lot of things. God is the very source of wisdom, not YOU. Actually the animals were created for man to enjoy and to use. Without man, the animals have little purpose for existing. At the Flood man itself almost came to extinction, so there was little use that Noah and his sons would’ve had for the millions of animals, animals that would’ve represented nothing much more than mostly an uncontrolled threat had God allowed them to survive along with only the 8 of surviving mankind.

    Radar, your system is in great need of repair, because you have lost the capacity to detect what’s out there.


    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • toddy

    Precisely, how will i die?

  • Yadirf

    How DO you want to die, Toddy pottie? Precisely speaking, of course!

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • toddy

    Quietly in my sleep on the stroke of question was with all this talk about the billions of non believers dying at armageddon,how will they die precisely?

  • ChuckD

    I also want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my grandfather did.

    Certainly not screaming in terror like the passengers on his bus.

  • Yadirf

    The original image I posted when starting this thread has disappeared, due to its source having disappeared. I have reposted it here on this page because I was not allowed to edit something past a certain length of time after it was originally posted on the first page. Good idea actually, as it prevents anyone from tampering with what they originally said. /Yadirf

    For some reason isn't working properly so as to allow the images to show up by simply posting their URL. So this URL will have to be clicked on to view the image.--->

    Daniel 11:35 ... a KEY prophecy that must be fulfilled before the "time of the end" gets underway.

  • Farkel

    : A terrible, unhappy picture?
    : Yes it is, but nevertheless biblical.

    Of course it makes sense. "Biblical" inevitably follows from "terrible" and "unhappy."


    "I didn't mean what I meant."

  • TR

    When ya going back to the KH, Yadirf?


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

  • TR


    I'm going to harass you untill you answer my question. WHEN ARE YOU GOING BACK TO THE KH/MEETINGS AND PARTICIPATE FULLY AS A JW?


    I'm gonna make mince meat outta that Osama!

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