Religious people have caused the following disasters:
(1) The First Dark Ages (the Catholic church)
(2) The Crusades
(3) Much of the fighting in the Middle East (the Islams)
(4) Repression and stagnation, including most of our hangups about sex
(5) Unnecessary complication of what is "moral" and what is "immoral".
Take away religion, and you have true morals. Which are so simple that most small children abide by them. And, if that was the only moral principles in force, civilization would have long since taken off into near-paradise without God's interference. We would solve, not create, problems. The energy crisis would not have been--alternative energy would have appeared before oil gets critically short. Pollution, sickness, and death would have been solved. The free market and science would be totally free to be the only "religion" that we need.