Exercise Check-In Log

by White Dove 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • LouBelle

    So I've started gym again. Did over an hour of cardio, nothing too hectic, but steady.

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Please be careful and never feel like you have to measure up to others.

    I am so glad that I don't have that kind of pain to work through.

    I'm not so sure I'd be as good as you and even try it.

    Just do what you can and don't feel guilty for not doing more.

    More would be bad for you.

    My report:

    I went on the machines today and added 5-10 lbs to the weights I was already pumping. Did 30 min. on the treadmill this morning.

    Weight will fluctuate 0-5 lbs day to day, so don't worry if it looks like you aren't getting anywhere. It depends on water and food consumption and elimination. I asked a trainer about that 5 lbs I gained overnight. I ate good stuff, too. It was just that I hadn't gotten rid of it and all the water I drank, yet. It's OK.

    The laws of physics say that you must get into better shape if you are eating right and exercising regularly, so don't worry. Those are laws you can't break.

    Lunch: wrap. Tortilla, balogna, lettuce, Bac*Os, ranch dressing.

    Dinner: Frozen mixed veggies, frozen chicken breast from a bag, Bac*Os, ranch dressing. Of course I cooked the chicken breast and veggies together in a little water, olive oil, salt.

    Water intake: 3 16.9 oz. water bottles. I bought a 12 pack of water bottles and after drinking each one, I refilled them with tap and put them back into the fridge.

    I'm stuffed and will be so sore tomorrow. Oh, and I already posted today's breakfast. I have oatmeal or granola sometimes and other times I'll have a bagel.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Don't forget that protein jump starts your metabolism so not only do you burn calories while exercising, you burn them while sleeping and sitting, too.

    Just some helpful hints that I've learned along the way.

    Please share yours!

  • sweetface2233

    Does packing boxes, carrying furniture in and out of a moving truck, and cleaning for 3 days straight count as exercise? That's all I did from Friday-Sunday.

    Total weight loss: 10.5 lbs

  • White Dove
    White Dove


    Definately! Are you sore? I was every time I moved. Do you like your new place?

    Today I'm going to do 30 min and 30 min of cardio.

  • FadingAway

    Good morning all!

    Lifted today, did chest and triceps for 30 minutes. Wasn't really feeling it so did a light workout.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    I've decided that if I don't max out on a machine, I will add 5 lbs. to the weight next time.

    I maxed out yesterday. Could barely lift my arms. It was great! I knew that I did a good workout with wobbly legs and floppy arms after.

    From now on, if I don't feel like a piece of spaghetti after a workout, it wasn't a workout.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    And good morning to you! Here is some coffee for my workout buddies

  • coolhandluke

    protein shake for breakfast this morning with strawberries and no fat vanilla yogurt. i was bad and didnt pack my lunch but im going to make good decisions for the day

    accountability is to do chest and back tonight and plyo in the morning to catch up from not working out yesterday

    oh yeah... and i cheated the entire weekend. Bad, bad, bad. but it felt really good. so now its back to it.

  • Guest with Questions
    Guest with Questions

    White Dove, what a great idea!! I don't come here much anymore but saw this post. When I have the time I will read all the responses for tips and encouragement.

    I joined a gym a couple of months ago. I try to walk each day.

    For about a week now I've been really watching what I eat. Haven't had cookies or icecream for a week and am not craving it either. Instead I'll have a date with my tea. My energy level is up. My girlfriend made me some quinoa last week and I've been eating it every morning since. I add currants, cinnamon and instead of milk I use almond milk. While still available I add strawberries and even added some olive oil today.


    I drink lots of green tea now. I make a pot and what I don't use put in fridge and drink throughout the day instead of plain water. It's healthy, fights against cancer, aging, and it seems that you can also loose weight drinking it. I always drank my black tea with milk and sugar and I don't even miss it which surprises me. Someone told me it's good if you retain water. It's not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.


    Not sure if anyone is posting what they eat each day but for my own benefit I can keep track here. Hopefully I can come here each night and at least respond on this post. If anyone can see improving on my diet I would welcome suggestions. Not sure if it's a well rounded diet. I know that certain foods are better in the morning and others at night but hopefully I will learn that in time. I'm trying to eat more smaller meals instead of 3 large meals. I did have 2 small spoons of praline icecream yesterday and two tortilla chips with artichoke dip (so good) so I don't feel that I am denying myself. At some point I might crave bread because I love a good bread.

    Breakfast: quino with currants, cinnamon, strawberries, tbsp olive oil, almond milk . green tea & one date

    Snack: almonds 5

    Lunch: large V8, one a day vitamin (may one day eliminate the latter)

    Snack: I usually have an apple but ran out. Maybe I'll have some juice later. and some almonds/walnuts

    Not sure what I'm having for supper. Most likely a bit of whole grain spaghettini with olive oil, sundried tomatoes, chicken or tuna, mushrooms? and grated parmesan cheese. Wonder what it would taste like with a bit of feta cheese instead?

    I've lost 5 pounds but I've never been concerned about the weight scale but how my clothes fit. Muscles weigh more than fat right? So someone could be fit but weigh more? I have noticed a difference in my mid section which for me (being a woman) is the hardest place to loose.

    Thank you for this post. Have a great day. Oh Canada have a great Canada Day eh!!

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