Exercise Check-In Log

by White Dove 105 Replies latest jw friends

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Got horrible headache today. Did not work out but did walk a lot while doing errands. I think the sunlight and aural stimulation hurt me today. CI's can really hurt.

  • FadingAway

    We must be on the same schedule White Dove.... I didn't work out either. My excuse is I ate 10 hot wings late last night and my stomach was killing me.

  • coolhandluke

    Accountability - Ate well yesterday. Not as many times as I should have but good balanced food. Started today with a protein shake, having my tea now. Did chest and back yesterday. Worked really hard. I'm up to 10 pull ups on my first round of circuits and 7 on my second round. If you saw how brutal the rounds are you'd be as happy as me about it. I cheated and didn't do Ab Ripper. I'll do it today before Plyometrics.

    Goal - Down 27.5 lbs by September 13th which is a wedding that I'm attending and down 32.5 for a wedding I have to be in two weeks later. Overall goal is to be down to 205. One pound, one workout at a time.

  • coolhandluke

    guest, I think your diet looks pretty good - spreading out nutrition over the whole day, starting with something slow burning and staying hydrated. Looks good. You are absolutely right as well. The scale is a bad measure. I'm guilty of looking too closely at it when I should be measuring myself with fat calipers. Clothes fitting is a good measure as well. Also how you look naked. What has helped me is before pictures. I call them goodbye pictures because I'll never look like that again. Good luck to you!

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Need to work out today, but slept to pay off sleep debt incurred somehow.

    I ate pizza rolls. 6 = about 220 calories. I ate way too many of them. NO MORE!

  • sweetface2233

    7am - 30 mins elliptical, 4 leg and 1 glute weight training machines

    Clothes are fitting looser, face is slimming, and co-workers and friends are noticing a difference. I was told that I am "glowing".

  • Crumpet
    I ate pizza rolls. 6 = about 220 calories. I ate way too many of them. NO MORE!

    LOL White Dove - its so easy to over indulge on the goodies.

    I walked 3 miles to buy cookies today - but they are triple chocolate chip and so that makes it okay in my book and I only ate one. Guilt-tripped myself into 40 minutes pilates with a yoga warm down,

    followed by a COOKIE!

  • TJ - iAmCleared2Land
    TJ - iAmCleared2Land

    Way to go, sweetface!! Keep it up, that's awesome!

    I just got in from another 6 mile walk; I skipped the walk yesterday but did 2.5 hours of yard work, which I swear was more strenuous than the walking!! Not as lucky as sweetface to notice clothes fitting more loosely yet, but that's GOTTA happen soon; I've walked 84 miles in the past two weeks.... keeping the diet healthy as well, and drinking tons of water.

  • FadingAway

    Good morning. I've somewhat written this week off, I am not following my regimen as I should. Plus I get to go to the DC this weekend and I am going to need a lot of comfort food to cope.

    Anyway, I did get up this morning and work on the treadclimber for 45 minutes and burned about a 1000 calories.

  • FadingAway

    Come on guys, check in!!!

    I did some damage this weekend, ballooned up to 310. The plan is to get back on track by keeping my diet close to the farm and working out 6 days a week: at least 90 minutes of cardio and 30 minutes of strength training.

    Today: 45 minutes on the Treadclimber. After work I will do 45 minutes on the Arc Trainer. I will then do 30 minutes of lifting focusing on compund joint movements to get the most bang for the buck.

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