Seems that Dubya wants to either invade Iran or take out the nuclear threat before his term ends. What do you guys think of this?
Countdown to IRAN
by sacolton 69 Replies latest jw friends
If he could get away with it, I'm sure he drop a newcleer bomb in Iraq and Iran and be done with it.
There is a lot of rumoring that the strike will occur after November of this year if Obama wins. Israel is mentioned most as the initiator. Apparently they think that Iran is getting very close to nukes and that the political climate will be impossible after an Obama inauguration. There is also talk about Bush "child proofing the kitchen" by destroying the nuclear sites before transferring power to Obama.
Of course, the election result is not a foregone conclustion on this point.
Here is info:,7340,L-3559502,00.html
Neocon William Kristol of the Weekly Standard has said as much also.
I would suggest that if Iran does a nuclear test, there might not be much of anything that even an Obama could do to stop Israel from going to total war with them.
As far as a pre-emptive strike (without the evidence of an Iranian test), I would give it only about a 25% chance regardless of the election results.
I would suggest that if Iran does a nuclear test, there might not be much of anything that even an Obama could do to stop Israel from going to total war with them.
I disagree. Who controls Iraqi airspace? Who would be instrumental in granting overflight priviledges?
Also noteworthy is the fact that the current stable of Israeli strike aircraft (specially modified F-15s) is not capable of making the round trip nonstop without refuelling.
You do have a point, BTW - but here are a couple of other factors:
One, they might not (and probably would not, if they thought we were not going along with it) tell us in advance so that we could intercept.
Two, they may very well have ballistic missiles that could do the job without aircraft. And guess what those missiles might well be carrying?
I do not much like to think about this. If the world was thinking, and were serious about a gasoline embargo, they might be able to get Iran to back down on the Nukes without a war.
One, they might not (and probably would not, if they thought we were not going along with it) tell us in advance so that we could intercept.
EXTREMELY unlikely. This would be very damaging to US-Israel relations. Like I said, those F-15s don't have the range. And Israel has over the past 5 years purchased aerial refuellers for the first time ever. I woinder why? I doubt they are going to be able to sneak a big Boeing in for refueling without detection.
Two, they may very well have ballistic missiles that could do the job without aircraft. And guess what those missiles might well be carrying?
Ditto to the unlikelyhood of that as well. Israel is already something of a geopolitical pariah, this would only seal the deal. However, an Iranian counter-response could lead to a nuclear escalation....depending on the response.
Iran is the current problem we have in Iraq. For all their bluster about how they would annihilate if we invaded them dropping a few JSOWs on their troops would pretty much take care of any opposition. The problem is that Bush waited too long to follow through with his strategy. Since he lost the initiative going in right now would just make things worse for our relations with our international "friends."
Iran is the current problem we have in Iraq. For all their bluster about how they would annihilate if we invaded them dropping a few JSOWs on their troops would pretty much take care of any opposition.
It would be insane for either America to take action or Iran to launch any weapons.
If Iran does anything Nuclear it would be annihiliated by the USA and or Israel and they surely know this.
The USA can barely cope with two wars now, militarily or economically.
So where is the sense? But then Iraq makes no sense so i am far from convinced it wont happen