Hi Forscher: Some reactions, if I may...
Were it not for a very powerful political left which was actually sympathetic towards Hitler and considered WWII a "European problem" which had nothing to do with us the US would've come to your aid earlier
That's not my impression. Pre-World War II conservative sentiment was towards isolationism, the same isolationism that leads to the disregard of the United Nations and the US standing as part of an International community. It was US conservatives that appreciated Mussolini's ability to get the trains running on time and looked to facism as an effective "business oriented" strategy. In Germany, it was appeals to conservative nostalgia for "how things used to be" that vaulted Hitler to power.
Conservative isolationism, more than liberal idealizing, kept the US out of World War II as long as it did. I'm not saying the US should have entered the War sooner, nor that we should have stayed out. I see the logic of events as they transpired. What most strikes me is the atmosphere of open debate in the lead up to WWII, something which conservatives in power were not willing to entertain with the invasion of Iraq.
WWII was a kind of crucible that led to an alchemic transformation of conservative response. A leak developed in the isolationist ideal: something you touched on, a threatening outside force. In this case, the threat of Communism, conflated to boogeyman proportions. Rather than an imminent war machine threat that supposedly galvanized liberals into invading Europe in WWII, in this case there was the ideological threat of Communism that converted Conservative isolationism into a near evangelical pounding of wardrums that we often see today.
I'm sure that neither of the positions we present here are entirely accurate; no short posting like this can do the subject of WWII and US public sentiment justice. But between us we perhaps start to paint a fuller picture of events.
As for war turning my stomach: absolutely. War is deplorable, and represents the failure of better options. I am happy to limit to war to extreme cases of last resort. Unashamedly so.