letter from a supposed friend

by chellechelle 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • stillajwexelder

    welcome to the board chellechelle

  • New light for you
    New light for you


    JGNAT always has great advise and insight as you see... hit the nail on the head.

    The ONLY thing i see... honestly since i'm in the middle of all this... is AT LEAST you got a letter. All my friends whom i thought i was so incredibly close with left me without a blink... and i'm not DFed or anything!

    I dont know, so try to at least see that she is thinking of you... in a sick, mindcontrolled, damn cult way, but it's her way of showing freakish love at least.

    (that probably doesn't help)

  • chellechelle

    oh no i know what you mean ... im not pissed or anything.. but how should i be pleased that she is thinking about me when her thoughts are " it would be better if you had just died" that the clincher..

  • yknot

    alt to JWD!

    Good to see you have your BS dectors in fine working condition!

    Life without WTS blinders is priceless!

  • changeling

    This letter is from a friend??? You need new friends darlin!

    Welcomne to JWD!

    changeling :)

  • jwfacts

    Welcome. It is impossible to reason with a JW in the mindset of that letter. It will be too heart breaking for you to get into a discussion with her, so don't feel obligated to reply. I don't know enough about your situation to give any good advice, but (if you are already d/f or don't mind being so) the way I would handle it is to clear up that you have come to realise the WTS is a cult. For example - I have being researching and now know the history to the religion, the false prophecies about the world ending in 1914, then 1925 and how the Watchtower lies about what used to be said, the hypocritical affiliation with UN in the 1990s, the court settlements in 2007 due to covering up and reappointing pedophiles. I have not left Jehovah, just no longer wish to associate with a manipulative high control sect.

  • BabaYaga

    My gods. With friends like this, who needs enemas? I don't think I have anyone in my life who would ever talk to me this way.

    Just listen to it! No one talks to a friend that way... no one. Or should I say, no HEALTHY, caring person.

    "...totally lost head of yours"

    "...your atrocious conduct."

    And this one:
    "...he is actually begging you to pay attention to my commandments."

    OOOoooooh!!! Freudian slip!!! Pay attention to MY commandments... not pay attention to HIS commandments!???

    "...i know what is right and wrong."

    (...and you don't, apparently. Her self-righteousness is showing.)

    And then the clincher:

    "...it would have been easier if you had just died."

    That was simply vomitous. Why do I get the funny feeling that this person will never see the light? I feel for her, because she cannot feel for others.

    Hearty welcome to the board, ChelleChelle, and man oh man, do you have some better friends to look forward to.


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Chellechelle, welcome to JWD !!

  • betterdaze

    Welcome, chellechelle!


  • inkling
    i dont need a " god" or a bunch of old men i brooklynn to tell me what i should think, feel, want and desire.

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