The crusaders were followers of men not Christ. Let's put the blame where it belongs on men and not on God.
Let's say there's a fringe group of white, republican racists who suddenly take it upon themselves to fight a war against all colored people in America. So they travel the country and kill all the colored people they can find, thousands of them (not very likely that would go on for long, but let's play this hypothetical scenario). As they are doing so, they claim to be doing it in G. W. Bush's name. They site certain things he has said to support their case.
Meanwhile, G. W. Bush is watching all this transpire on his television screen, and he's obviously also briefed on it by his staff before that. He knows they claim to be doing it for him, in his name. Still, he does nothing to stop it from happening, neither by action nor speech. He is fully capable of stopping it from happening, but instead, he lets it happen. Thirty years later, members of Bush's party state: "Oh, that? That was just some people taking things into their own hands, claiming to do it for G. W. Bush. Let's not blame G. W. Bush for something these people did."