Europe must stand up to Islam NOW

by B_Deserter 89 Replies latest jw experiences

  • digderidoo

    I read about his a couple of days ago. This is political correctness gone mad. Britain has such a diverse culture the education system has to make allowances for these kids. My kids go to a multicultural school, predominently Sikhs, i have no issues with them joining in Divali and celebrations such as these. I think it only adds to the kids acceptence of the diverseness within this society, especially in the Midlands where i live.

    However, the line has to be drawn in forcing kids to pray or take part in a religious, rather than cultural practice. This is diabolical, how certain decision makers within the education system think that by doing this they are encompassing all cultures.

    As for Sharia law in this country:-

    llbh, I was referring to the recent decision by Lord Chief Justice Lord Philips that "Those entering into a contractual agreement can agree that the agreement shall be governed by a law other than English law." The problem is is that this ruling opens the door wide open for the most barbaric Islamic practices, such as honor killings, forced female circumcision, as well as forced marriages. The Chief Justice basically is saying that English law does not apply there, at least it could easily be construed to mean that.

    There is no debate in this country as to whether Sharia law is going to supercede English law. Honor killings and forced female circumcision is not what this debate is about. If you think that allowing Muslims to practice Shariah law in this country is going to bring about these things you speak of you really have missed the point. Muslims in this country use the the elders in the Mosque in a similar way as JW's uses elders. For example with reference to marriage, a Muslim may get a divorce by the law of the land, but they may not with reference to their religion, the same for JW's. The debate in this country is how to allow shariah law run ALONGSIDE English law, not over and above it. To say that this will allow honor killings and forced female circumsion is scaremongering.

    There is a large Muslim population in this country and IMO their views should be taken into consideration, whether that be in the education system, family life, etc, but not when it is in direct contradiction to the law of the land.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    Big Tex, I suppose it is a matter of semantics. I don't consider the horrific acts of those who falsely claim to be Christians to have anything at all to do with the history of Christianity. The crusdres were followers of men not Christ. Let's put the blame where it belongs on men and not on God.

    Whether the Crusaders were followers of men or Christ didn't really matter to the people they were killing.

    My point was the only difference between those people 800 years ago and Muslim terrorists today is the brand of religion they shout out before they murder and destroy. Back then they shouted "Christ", now they shout "Allah". It's the same behavior. It is irrelevent whether they are "true" believers or following the "true" god. They're still killing innocent people.

    With all due respect, the Crusades have everything to do with Christianity. It is a part of Christian history, whether you agree with it or not. Just as much as the tortures and murders during Inquisition are a part of Christian history. Or the wars and battles fought over such Christian trivialities as whether to say Mass in Latin or the native language. Or the murder and torture by Christian monks and soldiers of Native Americans who would not convert to Christianity.

    I can go on and on. Christianity has a lot of blood on its hands. It is not a special religion, its history makes just as violent and bloody as other religions.

    If there is a god, maybe he's a Christian god, maybe not. Maybe he's Muslim. Who knows, maybe he's Zoroastrian. My comments were about religion, not God. Personally my belief is God has little or nothing to do with religion. But that's my belief, and not verifiable.


  • SixofNine

    It felt good today, in group, I said that I felt like Europe wasn't listening to me; wasn't hearing me. I swear, half the group chimed in; they were all like "yeah, that's how I feel too. Especially Dutch-Nederlands... it's like I don't even exist to them".

  • llbh

    The Uk legal system recently upheld the case of a school where a young Muslin woman insisted she had a right to wear a Burqa at school and the same for a teacher who brought a similar case. In both cases the decision of the School was upheld. The courts here are vigilant not to encouarage religious extremism..

    We are vigilant but fair here. In France the legal system has long discouraged religious extremism too.

    So do not think that a carefully worded statement by the Lord Chief Justice means we are not standing up to extremism, we do.

    We had the IRA bombing Ireland and London for over 30 years. BTW alot of the money fron there originated from the US who at best turned a blind eye to thier citizens funding terrorism.

    Regards David

  • SixofNine

    see? Do you SEE???

  • milligal

    I get what llbh is saying and I agree. We Americans get drug through the mud many times over everything our administration is doing right/wrong and otherwise. The truth is overall western countries (Europe included) try to eradicate fundamentalist religions as far as a free society can. Afterall, we don't storm castles and take out unruly leaders anymore do we? Each situation has to be examined against the scrutiny of the law and if it stands up, then no matter how unreasonable it sounds it has to be allowed unless another law is made specifically directed towards the situation.

    This is what modern countries do so that things like religious tyranny and ethnic cleansing don't take place. No knee jerk reactions.

  • BluesBrother

    As a Brit, therefore "European" , it seems tedious for all these Americans telling us what we Must do !

    BTW Islam is ok the main , just the extremists who need reigning in, no matter what religion they profess

  • llbh

    Thank you Milligal.

    I abhor religions, people or political groups that behave in a way to maiginalise or control people by virtue of gender, race or sexual orientation.

    The way to counter the extremists is to hold thier ideology up to close scrutiny, and expose them for what they are undoubtably are.

    We can do the same with the wts as well, as well . A free and liberal society is demonstably richer, both economically and socially. This is the route that we in liberal democracies can show the best way forward

    Regards David

  • Gill


    My daughter (who is not C of E ) has to go to a C of E school as we are in their catchment area and so no other local school will take her.

    If the kids don't 'pray properly' ie hands together, head bowed, words repeated they have to go to a room with the head teacher and pray until they do it properly.

    Don't hear about that in the paper, do you?

    The religious extremists are everywhere.

    The Muslims are being demonised inorder to cause conflict and eventually some kind of war against Muslim nations.

    What does war make? MONEY!!!!

    Who gets the money from the uniforms, guns, ammunition, shrouds etc? The people at the top who manipulate the unthinking people at the bottom.

    Be careful what you believe because often it is NOT the Muslims calling for these 'rights' but agent provocateurs who are shit stirring!

    I would also like to say that if it is ever found, one way or another, for sure that the CIA and Mr Bush did orchestrate 9 / 11 well.....let's just say there will be a lot of so far undone thinking to be done to understand why we at the bottom of the heap allow ourselves to be so easily led by the nose!

  • Shawn10538

    Christians don't strap on suicide belts and kill innocent men women and children... zeroday

    Actually they do, they have and they will.

    Also, there is to explain here how suicide bombing is any worse than any other kind of bombing. Bombs are bombs. Dropping them from 20000 feet in the air is better than strapping them to your body how? The only benefit is to the bomber. Both bombs kill innocents. The above statement from zeroday is profoundly ignorant, an ignorant that belies such incredible subjectivity that hopes of explaining its wrongness to zeroday are futile.

    Why are we so shocked at suicide bombings, but so at ease with ICBMs? One reason, our side uses the ICBMs. Their side doesn't have the money for ICBMs, so they are forced through poverty to bomb whatever way they can for their cause. Suicide bombing is no more evil than any other kind of bombing. Christians I dare say are just as guilty of horrific crimes. History is full of examples for anyone paying attention.

    I will admit though that Islaam has a more extreme way of applying their religion. It is more supportive of totalitarian style ruling and more cultic. I do agree it is a problem in modern society that needs to be kept in check. We must not let Islaam expand into western society less we all be subjected to its iron hand. In other words, getting rid of Islaam is a good start. we can get rid of Christianity later.

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