Elder School Summation

by messenger 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    It could be that ks01 is being revised. If so, it might indicate once again the impact of discussion forums such as this one.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • Simon

    thanks for updating us messenger - it gives those of us who can't (and never did) get to attend these meetins some valuable insights into what is going on.

  • waiting

    o yeah, Simon - at least the *possibility* was held out to you, a man.

    This is the first time *I've* ever read about those secret meetings for elders only - being a woman.

    Gosh, I could have slept along with the others!

    As for the 15 minute increments for elderly or infirmed - it is an easing up for them to remain active, particularily if they've always been active.

    But, as Path brought out, it opens the door to a lot more active publishers for reporting figures. And that would be the guess for why it was done. I just don't figure the Law Makers as loving fathers anymore.

    As for reporting time to Book Study Conductor - now Overseers? We've had this in place for several years. Easier to keep tabs on people, question them, etc. He, in turn, gets calls from the Secretary to get those reports. More intimate shuffling is needed by tardy publishers.


  • teejay

    Thanks Messenger. Excellent summary.

    Simon stole my thought - sorta. I always felt so left out, missing all the goodies that were discussed at the KM School... you know, the deep spiritual insights, the revelation of new truths. I spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself FOR NOTHING.

    And who is this jemimah that folks keep talking about?


    Everything has its wonders, even darkness and silence, and I learn, whatever state I may be in, therein to be content. - Helen Keller
  • Thirdson

    Here's my thought on collecting time. I used to have the task of tabulating the hours. It was a nightmare. After rhe second meeting of the new month I would total the time and look for missing reports. I would then telephone each publisher who was normally regular and request their report. If I didn't 20% of the congregation would be irregular.

    e.g "Hello, Brother Forgetful, how are you? I am sorry to hear that your ingrown toenail is troubling you again. Uhm, what I am calling about is your FS report. Could you tell me what you want to report:"

    Most would report their 1 or 2 hours immediately without having to refer to notes or a calendar.

    Now with the change, the CBSO is going to obtain all the reports. If he doesn't get them at the CBS he is going to have to track down everyone in his group at the next meeting or make the phone calls. Half these guys don't even know who is in their group. The poor secretary is going to get lots of incomplete reports and will have difficulty getting the full congregation report tabulated by the 6th.

    I can't see that adding another layer of management to the reporting system is going to help. In my experience, elders were among the worst offenders for getting their FS reports in on time.

    Reporting 15 minutes minimum is going to have some affect on averages. If the number of regular publishers goes up the mean average hours per publisher will go down.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • blondie

    Actually, within the last 30 years, time slips were handed into the CBSC. There was even a short period of time when it was encouraged to turn in slips mid-month so the CBSC could determine who hadn't yet gone out and work with them during the final 2 weeks to get some time in.

    The change to the 15-minute increment for older, infirm ones is just a way to prop up the dropping statistics. Now more people will be counted as active making the numbers look better. What about younger, chronic, seriously ill publishers?

  • gumby

    Now that is what I call a good shepard.Quote;...'Child abuse is a crime and elders are NEVER to suggest that parents call or do not call the police it is purely a personal decision.
    That's like an elder seeing a child with a severe injury and saying...."Well ...I'm not saying anything or suggesting anything to the parents...that's their decision" What a bunch of horseshit!!!!What IS a shepard then?!!!!!!!!

  • DannyBear


    Thanks for the excellent synopsis.

    I remember the myriad of articles the society released shortly after introducing the 'elder arrangement'. Almost every one of these hammered home the idea that ALL elder's were 'Overseer's'. All on an equal level of authority in the congregation.

    It does not surprise me in the least, that they have changed the 'book study conductor' title to 'overseer'. It is obvious why they did so. In the minds of the fully indoctrinated, which request for time spent in door to door work, would carry more wieght from the 'conductor or OVERSEER'.....unbelievable the physcological games these self righteous cultish pricks, will go to, to get people to comply with their demands. It is really sick, in every sense of the word!


  • Tina

    Thanks messenger.Much appreciated!

    Hi gumby!
    That's exactly the first thought I had upon reading that child abuse policy.......it really stinks. It's still a policy of non-action,non-direction,non-assistance to folks they're supposed to be helping. Really, despite the verbiage,thats no change. Kind of a Pontious Pilate solution(which is a non-solution).Thanks for thre insight!hugs,Tina

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!


    Thanks messenger, you are a good summator.

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