Elder School Summation

by messenger 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dino

    Hi Messenger. Thank you very much. I was double-checking something you said about this KM school with my notes from the 32 hour school in '98. Just doing so almost made me break out in a cold sweat. I dont know how you do it but I applaud you. When I stopped serving I felt as if I had been paroled! This is one of those posts that you print out. Thanks so much again.


  • Seeker
    Wouldn't this open up new possibilities for molestation victims? Part of the problem has been that no one molests a child in front of two witnesses, therefore there were never two witnesses to a single event. But if different but similar events can be used as evidence, does this mean that molesters who could not formerly have been nailed could now see judicial action?

    No, because this is existing policy. Nothing new about this.

  • Tina

    hehe,I noticed we hit the same wavelength now and then. Pretty kewl I think,cuz yer one sharp cookie! luv,T

    Vive Bene
    Spesso L'amore
    Di Risata Molto!!!

  • Ranchette

    Just want to move this up.


  • Bendrr

    I've never heard of reporting less than an hour. Now as an aux. pio. I did record actual time, 30 minutes here and 15 minutes there added up. But by the end of the month, it would all add up to an hour figure with no "fractions". Looks like now they've decided that much like a timeclock those fractions of an hour do add up to something. I see this expanding past the elderly and infirm to include everyone, and soon the r&f will hear a wonderful report of how much the list of "inactive publishers" has dropped!
    As far as turning in time slips to the cbso, who didn't see that coming? As some here have noted, it allows for more personal pressure on "inactive" and "low-hour" dubs. One elder tabulating the time slips for a whole congregation has a big job. So some slip through the cracks. The cbso only has to get time slips from a fraction of the congregation and has more time to crack the whip on the slackers.
    I notice that it was stressed an elder should never meet with a sister alone. Hmm.....I'm not touching that one! <grin>
    One thing. Why would they go on about this placement is up but this one is down? I thought the main point was not selling-excuse me "placing"-but....oh wait what was I thinking never mind that question!

  • dins

    Thank you Messenger...

    Always wondered what went on (or didn't to be exact.)

    I am particularly dismayed at the child abuse section. As a court reporter, I sit through many trials of child abuse and I am horrified that they don't strongly encourage the parents to phone the police immediately after the allegation.

    This is probably the worst thing I have come across yet, but unfortunately this doesn't surprise me, as nothing does anymore with them.

    Cheers for that,


  • Richie

    So now we are going to see an increase in publishers throughout the world... Everything is so clear: the Society knows that figures are down and the amount of witnesses throughout the globe keeps decreasing. What better way to offer this incentive of reporting in 15 minutes increments, because it will inevitably show an increase and..... Jehovah's spirit must be guided by this increase....you see the organization is backed by God in case anyone had any lingering doubts....
    Where is the love, where is the compassion, where is the concern for each individual's spirituality, how do they follow Jesus' example in all this? The WT certainly blinds those who are unaware of their deliberate orchestrations since they are primarily interested in growth no matter how it is achieved. And you think that this organization has a fraction of any kind of blessing from God? Yes, they must receive blessings, not from Jehovah but, sadly, from Satan....

    :*) Richie

  • TweetieBird

    Great post! Thank you Messenger for the update.

    One thing that I find amazing is that the elders have to consult the legal dept. first. Do elders not find this insane? Do they have to call legal before they take a wiz at the KH too? What ever happened to letting their conscience be their guide? If they are elders, surely they know the difference between right and wrong.

    Silentlambs hit the nail on the head...the GB/Society is more concerned with protecting the corporation above everything and anyone else. Sickening, truly sickening.

  • uncle jimbo
    uncle jimbo

    messenger -

    bravo! My dad just got back from his elder school. He mentioned all the same things you did.

    Except he also mentioned that it was brought out that the book studies will now be re-sized so there will be 15 publishers in each bookstudy. Maybe this is nothing new; but it WAS emphazised at his elder school (at the Henrietta ass hall).


  • sunscapes

    I admire you messenger for having the gonads to feel the way you do about the borg and sit and endure these legalistic meetings.

    I like that 15-min. micro-managing of flock hours initiative. How sweet.

    The real control tactic is seen in the conductor-overseer switch.

    "Hours-padders" beware! (I'm sure some are here, too...)
    You will be caught out because over-reporters will be nabbed more quickly with more local scrutiny on number of hours reported. Falsified reports will be more readily sniffed out! If you pad, you will be accountable to an overseer for that little chat!

    It seems that two more clicks of the ratchet have that bolt of WT oppression tightening...

    When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers ... we are ripping the foundations of justice from beneath future generations.

    formerly "Theocracy Rules Again"
    circa 1996-1999

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