New here, but not to being an Ex-JW...

by amama2six 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mr. Majestic
    Mr. Majestic

    Wow April. That’s quite a story. Can’t believe that you left the religion 12 years ago and you are still getting grief from it…So unfair…..

    This is a very good place to start to heal and tell your story. You must have so much that you are carrying around inside of you….

    Thank you for sharing that. Can’t have been easy writing it. But I’m glad that you are here and I’m sure that you can make some friends who can help you……

  • hubert

    Welcome, Amama.

    Your posts will show up faster in a few days. It's because you are a new poster. When I was a newbie, mine did that also.

    Hang in there. It'll straighten out.

    Are you able to put your posts in paragraphs? It would be easier to read if you can.


  • BabaYaga

    Hello and welcome, AMama!!!

    You will find much healing here.

    As for the tech help with the forum, this forum does take a while to load... so it might be that, but the easiest way to see something just posted is to click on "active topics" at the top. You might have to click on one of the numbered pages (see the numbers at the top? I think this will be on page 7774 or something.)

    AND!!! To get your paragraphs to stay where you put them, under the posting field, UNCHECK the first box (html formatting) and CHECK the second box (automatic Cr/Lf).


  • BabaYaga

    Dear gods, AMama... I just read your second post to the end.

    I am so saddened by this! First of all, of course you will never be "good enough" for your parents, they go by the JW rules which means that NO ONE is EVER good enough, especially disfellowshipped outcasts!

    My recommendation is to get your baby back as soon as humanly possible. You don't want her being raised with the same cult mindset and low self-esteem that you suffered through. Yes, you were the obedient one, and for what? You have a wonderful life to live, Hon, and you and your baby girl should be together, don't you think? We do what we can, when we can do it.

    Love and strength to you!

  • amama2six

    Thanks again everyone! I had that HTML box checked so I guess that's why my long post didn't show the paragraphs. Should be better from here on out. As for being able to find my topic...thanks for the advice and I will just have to be patient for the next few days until everything evens out! On my oldest daughter...getting her is easier said than done. She's nearly 13 years old and hasn't lived with me (aside from two months) for the last eight years. My parents have already indicated they have no problem dragging me to court which I can't do because 1. I can't afford a lawyer and 2. They live in Connecticut and I'm stuck in Virginia where my husband is currently stationed. There's also an issue with her father but that's an ENTIRELY other story. I just hold on to the knowledge that my daughter knows what they are doing and is not being dragged down the way I (unfortunately) so easily was for all these years. I myself am just now realizing the extent to which I was brainwashed; it went FAR beyond the religion itself and obviously leaving didn't fix everything that had been broken inside me. I guess my daughter is a little smarter (and more defiant) than I ever was...especially at her age. *proud* :D I have no idea why it took me so long to do this...well one thing is I had no idea there was a group like this out there. I should have figured there were plenty of other people affected in a similar way by the JWs...haha. I am a big fan of Lost (the series), though, and did manage to find a friend on a fansite that is an ex-Elder! Talking to him over the past year has been helpful. :) Here's a fun-fact...I live literally ONE MINUTE from a Kingdom Hall, now. Is it bad I've been tempted to go to a meeting, chat EVERYONE up there...then drop the I'm disfellowshipped bomb? I don't know, it just sounds like it would be therapeutic. :D One more best friend since I was six years old (in the religion, also, but different congregation) left the religion a year or two after I did. I had NO idea and she didn't know I had left either (we had lost contact for a few years). She showed up at my work one day (store at the mall) and it was really awkward. She apparently thought I wasn't supposed to talk to her and vice versa. Finally she blurts out "I know you aren't supposed to talk to me because I'm DFed but hi anyway!" LOL We still laugh about that to this day. :D Edit: Well that didn't work out so well...I put the paragraphs and unchecked the HTML thing but it's still not working right. Sorry... :(

  • hubert

    Someone on here should be able to explain why your posts won't go into paragraphs. I think I heard about people using "Firefox" having this problem? I'm not sure, so don't quote me. I'm not that computer literate.

    Until you fix it, though, you have to go kneel in the corner.

    I really laughed about your meeting with your friend in the Mall. That was funny.

    Stick around, and maybe you can get your friend to post here, also?


  • Casper

    Thanks for sharing your story...


  • BabaYaga

    Dang! Well sorry about that, AMama... did you also CHECK the automatic box when you unchecked the other? You have to do both, if that doesn't help, there are other tips on this thread:

    And about the legal issues... I am far from the authority on this, but it is my understanding that as long as the biological parent is deemed fit, the court almost always sides with returning the child to the parents. They consider the best interest of the child, but I see nothing that would lead them to choose your parents. In fact, when you bring up the blood issue, they will consider them guardians that would endanger the child.

    Best of luck.


  • amama2six

    There's only one reason I'll go on my knees, Hubert, and it isn't to sit in the corner. :p (Sorry, couldn't resist!)

    I AM using Firefox, so maybe that's the problem.

    I'm not sure if my friend would want to join the forum, but I'll ask her. She doesn't spend too much time on the internet but definitely has issue with the way she was raised and the way her mother treats her now. She only gets a call from her when someone is dying or dead. This poor lady has gone through cervical cancer, radiation treatment, hysterectomy, inability to bear children, her wedding, etc. all without her mother's support. That's just s*** if you ask me. :(

    I didn't check that second box last time but I will try it now and see what happens. Otherwise I'll try Internet Explorer and see if things work better from there. :)

    Edit: Baba, you were right, it's working now, thanks! :D On the legal thing...I am also having problems with her father, now, who came into her life when she was 10. That's actually where she's living at the moment and he's soaked up everything my idiot parents said about me so now he thinks I'm not a fit parent either. Apparently I'm a raging alcoholic, among other things I'm sure. *gulps drink* :D My daughter told me a few weeks ago that my parents and her father actually almost ended up in court. My stepmother wrote up an EIGHT PAGE report on how evil I am. As if her word would hold up in court (dumb people, I swear). So yeah, it's a little more complicated now, unfortunately. :( Edit 2: Apparently editing creates problems with the whole spaces thing. Won't do it again. :p

  • amama2six

    And now I fixed Wow figuring this all out is so much fun! :D

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