New here, but not to being an Ex-JW...

by amama2six 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quandry

    Welcome to the forum.

    Thank you for sharing your story. I hope collecting your thoughts and writing them down and letting us know them has been cathartic for you. I am glad you are starting to realize your worth as a person. NOW-the responsible adult that you are.

    You said this:

    just spent HOURS cleaning house (and it's still not clean) today, therefore it's now time for the kids to trash it again so I can have something to do tomorrow morning. ;)

    I just have one suggestion-if five children plus you clean for fifteen minutes while three fun songs play on the stereo, that's the equivalent of two hours-then all can have a fun treat like ice-cream with toppings, or a picnic out in the back yard, or a game. You shouldn't have to do it all. Plus, if they get used to cleaning, they will be more likely to keep it that way. Yes, I watch Nanny 911. She is wonderful, and has the most practical suggestions for a happy, well run home with no screaming or bad behavior.

  • snowbird

    Incidentally, my oldest daughter (35) is a mother of 6.

    She was raised in the JW's, got married far too young, separated, and just generally went wild.

    I remember the illustration of the spring all too well.

    I admire you for your courage and fortitude.


  • hubert
    I just read a post on another thread from an individual who recently went back to the KH a couple of times for an "outsider's point of view"; as a way of getting closure. I know some of you might disagree but I think this may be something I will have to do eventually.

    Get ready for some serious "love bombing".

    And, I salute you for getting that blood transfusion.

    Family first....cult last.


  • Not Feeling It
    Not Feeling It

    Sorry to hear you are now shunned forever a decision you made as a child -- barely adolescent even. I always wondered what happened/happens to many of those kids who "dedicate" at such a wee age. I was 16 and that seems young to me in hindsight.

    Be glad you are in a better place now. Keep working to improve your life and be the best person you can be!

    -- Not Feeling It

  • amama2six

    Wow, can't believe I missed these responses!

    On me becoming more confident over the has definitely been a battle and one I have not completely won yet...but I'm getting there!

    On the kids helping me with the house...the older three do. The younger two are a bit young for it (the 3 1/2 year old wouldn't be but he's also autistic so I can't expect much at this point). Regardless, NONE of them are capable of cleaning the house the way I want it to But I have them pick up their things, sweep, take out the trash, load the dishwasher, etc. It definitely helps! :D

    On going to the KH and being "love=bombed"...oh yes, I remember that vividly. Don't worry, I'm much too intelligent to fall for it! :D

    Oh, and Sylvia...I think what happened with me and your daughter is probably quite typical in this situation. It's sad, really. Now the JWs will blame it on "letting the demons in" and straying from Jehovah but we all know that's a pile of crap. It's strong will that hasn't been taught how to make decisions for itself, so when it first breaks free it rebels completely. Over time that usually settles down, though, and we go on to live normal, self-sufficient lives. Is that Satan's work, too? hahaha

  • sweetstuff

    Welcome to the board April. Six kids?? You deserve a medal woman!

  • Quirky1

    Welcome Amama2six!!


  • amama2six

    A medal for insanity maybe, sweetstuff. :D

    Thanks Quirky! HEEL!!! :P

  • Open mind
    Open mind

    Welcome to the forum!

    Thanks for sharing your story.

    Your honesty is refreshing.


  • amama2six

    Your honesty is refreshing.

    Well...if there's one thing the JWs taught me... :D Thanks for the welcome, OM!

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