Death of an Elder

by sacolton 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    flipper said: All I want to say is my experience of being involved with witness deaths in my 44 years in the cult is yes, some do mourn and cry naturally - but they are taught not to " mourn as the rest do who have no hope " as the scripture put it because of their hope of an "alleged " resurrection which I don't subscribe to . So they get a false sense of security which some in the witnesses use as an excuse to not show caring as they should. Notice I said- some, not all. Some feel, " Oh well, they'll be back in the resurrection so we will see them soon anyway. " And off they go , not mourning as people would in the " world " who apparently have " no hope".


  • Vinny

    This is a Joke, right Mary?

    Mary says:..."First of all Vinny, can you please learn to use the quote button? It's the one to the right of the button above. Just high light what you plan to quote and then hit that button. Makes reading a thread much easier."

    The point being that JW's still for the most part feel as much pain as anybody else when losing a loved one. Most are not, cold, heartless robotic humanoids, void of emotion or love, as what was implied by Sacolton. Yes, they may 'publicly' show it a bit differently. But the love, the pain, the tears are nonetheless there and usually no different than what anybody else in their shoes would be. But what I said was BUll, Mary, you seemed to twist and misapply."

    Perhaps the one consoling him was a very close member. I have seen people grieving and absolutely knew it was not the time for me to go up. But SOMEBODY WAS THERE, AT THAT POINT AND TIME, CONSOLING THIS MAN THAT HAD LOST HIS BROTHER.

    Do you get that? Are you really that dense Mary? JW's feel pain. JW's cry. JW's grieve. As the experience ITSELF PROVES.

    Folks Mary is in total denial again.

    Because vinny did not see people crying with his own eyes, after a popular elder dies suddenly, that means that nobody at all cried according to wisdom from Mary.

    : )

    But what I said was BUll, Mary, you seemed to twist and misapply.

    Why in god's name are you ranting on and on about something that I've already stated that is in agreement with you?? Witnesses DO cry, they DO have emotions and they DO feel the 'sting of death' when someone close to them dies. No one is arguing with that.

    And THAT is what this has been all about.

    All the best,


  • Mary

    Vinny, I truly see no point in debating this with you, as you simply cannot seem to comprehend what either I, or others on here have said. With the mind set that you seem to have, perhaps you should go back to the KH. I'm sure you'd feel right at home.

  • sacolton

    Let me clarify, my wife never said the congregation was in shock over the news. The Elder who received the news about his relative (brother) who died didn't know until someone told him in the main room. The announcement was made and the field service was cancelled. If anyone wants to imagine what people did after they got home or whatever, that's up to you. As for the event at the Kingdom Hall, only one other brother went to comfort him. Everyone else went home or out to breakfast. When my wife came home, she wasn't upset or in shock. It was just like any other day. Her and another JW couple had a nice breakfast and talked about movies.

    Small update: Just talked to my wife. Only the field service was cancelled that morning. The book study continued after the news was received. The brother that went out to the parking lot to comfort the Elder needed to drive him home.

  • Vinny

    Mary Says:..."Vinny, I truly see no point in debating this with you, as you simply cannot seem to comprehend what either I, or others on here have said."

    But now Mary sees the light.

    JW's are just a bunch heartless bastards, eh Sacolton? Void of love, compassion feelings are anything else similar that we other humans are capable of.

    "He made his way to the parking lot and leaned over his car and cried. The congregation just went about their business and only one other brother went to comfort him in the parking lot. My wife said they cancelled the field service, but none of the group (except one) gave any support to the elder who lost his brother.

    ((((Now, where is the Christian love?)))))

    When folks like you and Mary try to paint a broad picture that just aint true, you can expect to be exposed as the liars you are. That's just the way things work in life.

    Sacolton then says:..."As for the event at the Kingdom Hall, only one other brother went to comfort him. Everyone else went home or out to breakfast. When my wife came home, she wasn't upset or in shock. It was just like any other day. Her and another JW couple had a nice breakfast and talked about movies."

    When my 25 year old JW neighbor died unexpectedly last year, I grieved alright. So did my wife. As did numerous JW's. But low and behold we also went out and ate lunch afterwards. And watched tv later on. Maybe even went to the beach for a while. How about that!

    You see people grieve, but life goes on in the process Sacolton. Do you comprehend that? Your trying to paint JW's as void of ANY LOVE or compassion you does not work here. They have a boat load of other issues which is bad enough to walk away from the organization altogether. But when you start making things up to make them appear something they are not, you are the one that has sunk down to taking the low road.

    And then folks like me have to come along and expose your sorry attempts to paint a lying picture.

  • SnakesInTheTower


    they cancelled the field service,

    That surprises me. too..when my dad died, the PO of the other congo (and close friend of my dad's) came up to the KH one Monday (Labor Day, US holiday) where I was meeting for field service.. My parents were out of town on soon as this PO walked into the KH without a shirt and tie on and came looking for me..I immediately knew what he was going to tell me before he spoke the words... he took me to find my youngest (nonJW) brother to break the news to him...

    do you think they cancelled field service? NO.... they just went on about their business ... I am sure they were shocked, discussed it in the ministry....but not a one of the group meeting with me that morning did anything to comfort me that morning...

    Snakes ()

  • Vinny

    Snakes says:.."do you think they cancelled field service? NO.... they just went on about their business ... I am sure they were shocked, discussed it in the ministry....but not a one of the group meeting with me that morning did anything to comfort me that morning...

    Just went about life like nothing happened. No different than if you just had a computer crash. In fact, according to snakes, the JW's would more likely give him some comfort if his computer crashed than if his father died.

    You guys are so full of bologna I can call all of you Oscar Mayar.

    Did they even know Snakes? Did people have a chance to say something? Did you stay out in service or go home immediately?

    Did the elder telling you to your face not console you or your brother either?

    I'll tell you to your face that you are outright LYING or exaggerating or omitting details.

    And why should they cancel field service anyway?

    Church or church activities is where many people would want to be when dealing with difficult things like that.

    You guys are a hoot!

    Sorry, but I'm not buying any of it.

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