The label of pioneer helps keep people in the organization.
They make it easier to get the label.
The justification is this ******-up Bush-onomy.
Pioneer hours change
by JWFreak 99 Replies latest jw friends
Octarine Prince
i just texted my regular pioneer sister to tell her..
her response....that's fantastic.
i presume she must be thinking that this is an indication that there are less people to try and contact now
Start date new service year (1.9.08)
They have something to really slap each other on the back about at the boasting meetings!
Unbelievable! The light gets easier and easier. Now any idiot can be an auxillary pioneer.
darth frosty
You would think with the end so close they should be up-ing the hours. Its amazing the way they can just say hey the preaching work has been accomplished and the sheep swallow it.
What is going on with the lowering of the requirements?
The Scotsman
Jehovah is certainly "speeding it up" in his own time.
Less hours means less studies - less growth - well I hope thats what it means.
do I have this correct? This is good news for the 'real' pioneers because they will not need to do so many hours, this is also good for the r & f because it will be easier to get the coveted label of pioneer or aux pioneer therefore uplifting their status in the cong? (oh, and brownie points with the big Guy of course)
If they keep lowering the requirement, eventually everyone will be a pioneer.
Sort of reminds me of Lake Wobegon, where "alll of the children are above average".
Of course you realize what will happen. Currently, the average hour requirement for a pioneer is 70 / month, while the average hours for a pioneer in the US (as reported in the KM) is in the 60-65 range.
Beginning with the September report, this "work that Jehovah is speeding up in his own time" will boast an average hour mark for pioneers of about 45.
I imagine they anticipate that a bump up in the number of pioneers will offset the inevitable relaxing of effort of those continuing as pioneers. It will be interesting to see if such an increase in numbers really occurs.
is this confirmed?