Pioneer hours change

by JWFreak 99 Replies latest jw friends

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    I wonder what the yearly requirement is now.

    If you remember back in the day when I was pioneering, they said you had to get 90 hrs a month, but the real requirement was to get a 1000 hrs a year. If you got 90 hours a month that worked out to like 1040 hrs in the year. So you had some who would go on a tear early in the year and coast thru the summer month cause they had their 1000. If you go straight 50 thats a yearly requirement of 600. Back in the day my mother would have that wrapped up by January.

  • BurnTheShips

    If pioneering loses its exclusivity because "anyone can do it" do to low hour requirements, then it will lose its prestige and maybe "no one will want to do it".

  • insearchoftruth

    Good point BTS, but initially it should give them a big boost in the numbers of pioneers, will be interesting to see what the number of hours changes to.

    If the luster of the title fades a bit, I am sure that Jehovah will have a new arrangement.....soon, very soon!

  • burningbridges

    And of course lets not forget how great it makes them look when every year they turn in their report with higher and higher numbers of more and more pioneers!!!

    In 1961 the Kingdom Ministry School was organized to train traveling overseers as well as congregation overseers. At first, the month-long course was conducted in one of the Kingdom Halls in the center of Buenos Aires. Later, the school was transferred to the branch office. With more qualified overseers to care for the flock of God, the number of publishers and pioneers increased every year during the 1960’s, reaching a peak of 18,763 publishers and 1,299 pioneers by 1970.

    The Lees have to adapt continually to the climate, water, and food of the three countries. In a six-month period, they are in Argentina for three months, in Brazil for two, and in Paraguay for one. Although they serve the Korean congregations, they still have to speak the local languages. In addition to speaking Portuguese in Brazil, the Lees have to get acquainted with two distinctive accents of Spanish. Yet, they enjoy this truly international circuit. After two years, the number of pioneers in the circuit has increased from 10 to 60!


    Again there has been excellent response to pioneer service. The number enrolling as regular pioneers increased 50 percent over last year.

    "Throbbing with zeal!" That describes the spirit of our brothers in Mexico. The number of regular pioneers increased by an average of 35 percent and auxiliary pioneers by 30 percent. Among the regular pioneers are many whose circumstances are not unlike those of Angelita. With an unbelieving husband, four small children, and a partially crippled leg, she first took the matter of pioneering to Jehovah in prayer. Then, after receiving practical suggestions from the elders in her congregation, she began her regular pioneer service. Since then, because of her fine example, two other sisters in the congregation have also become pioneers. Now her husband too is studying the LiveForever book and is attending meetings.


  • Quandry

    You see, the end was closer back then then it is now, so there was a greater sense of urgency. Back then, the end would arrive before the generation that lived during 1914 died off. Now, the end of the world will get here whenever it gets here.

    That is hilarious!!!! And evidently soooooo true.....

  • LovesDubs

    Isnt it true that when you sign up to be a pioneer that you have to swear to book those required hours every month? Why would ANYBODY commit to 100, 90 or even now...50 hours of WASTING TIME every month? I mean puhleeze...hasnt anybody noticed how entirely USELESS field service actually is in terms of success?

    Every time anything changes in there the faithful get all excited because it is in fact like watching paint dry. Even if its a fly getting STUCK in the paint that you are watching dry...its a change from the humdrum, mind numbing existence they lead.

    When they actually DROP the requirement of reporting the hours...THEN I will have considered some progress as having been made.

  • neverendingjourney

    I kind of feel bad for the P.O. of my old congregation. He planned his life around retiring and becoming a regular pioneer. He took a low-paying government job decades ago so that he could retire early and live on a pention. A year or two ago he retired and became a regular pioneer.

    Now his coveted title is on the brink of significantly losing its luster. He didn't need to sacrifice all those year just to retire early and pioneer. He could have kept the better paying job he had before and provided a better life for his family. Now he's going to be mixed in with a bunch of other folks who work full-time jobs and pioneer.

  • willyloman
    With an unbelieving husband, four small children, and a partially crippled leg, she first took the matter of pioneering to Jehovah in prayer. Then, after receiving practical suggestions from the elders in her congregation, she began her regular pioneer service.

    Oh, gawd, that sister again?

    Also loved this: "Throbbing with zeal."

    They don't write 'em anymore like they used tol

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Any new updates on this? Still haven't got the BOE letter for this.......

  • neverendingjourney

    It's interesting to note how this board has changed over the past year or so.

    A year ago this thread would have been full of posts demanding proof of this change and perhaps even accusing the initial poster of being a troll. I suspect that the recent success rate of announcing the many changes before the congregations have officially been notified has drastically reduced those suspicions. It's as if we expect every rumor to be true now.

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