You can prove anything if you carefully select the statistics you quote.
The question, "Is the earth getting warmer?", has different answers depending on how long a period you base your statistics on.
One question we should ask ourselves as ex cult members is, 'is the scientific group I am basing my belief in using the same mind control tactics as the WT?'
We also have to be careful that we do not employ those tactics when discussing our opinion and especially when dissing others who hold a different opinion.
After all, we have been trained in those techniques. They are second nature to us, especially us 'born ins'.
Global Warming lie -don't be brainwashed 2008 Australia's Coldest winter???
by Witness 007 54 Replies latest jw experiences
Black Sheep
Eyes Open
Global warming is a myth. My shower water came out colder than ever yesterday.
Tyrone: Nicola Tessla, new very well the destructive powers of earth's magnetic core. We have yet to see. It will sure be interesting anyhow.
from Brave New World of Tesla Technology:
Tesla Howitzers in Weather mode
The two howitzer modes that deal with weather control are called the "exothermic" mode of operation, because immense EM energy blasts outward at the target site, and the "endothermic" mode, sucks energy out of the target area, essentially creating a blast of cold at the distant target. By using both of these heat (exothermic) and cold (endothermic) modes together the weather can be altered anywhere. Warm the air over here, cool it down over there, put a curl in the jet stream, dissipate clouds, create clouds, whip up a tornado.
How to Make Weather
Here's how it’s done using several interferometers; scalar interferometry (production of EM fields and potentials at a distance).
"First, the interferometers can deliberately make "high pressure areas" (cool the air so it shrinks and its "footprint" pressure on the ground increases because its density increases) and "low pressure areas" (heat the air so that expands and its "footprint" pressure on the ground decreases because its density decreases). Well, if one makes the highs and lows where one wishes them, and judiciously and somewhat slowly moves them along a given path, these highs and lows will entrain the jet streams and thus "steer" the weather.
"So if you wish a very cold snap or attack, go up into Canada and start these actions to steer down some streams that bring some very frigid air. Establish other highs and lows judiciously to "block" or "slow" other jet streams and flows as desired. In this way, one can pull the "large cold air masses coming down from Canada" deep into the southern U.S. at will. They do it regularly. If you wish an ice storm, add an additional current of warm moist air you bring up (steer up by using artificial highs and lows) from the ocean. Where they meet, you will get freezing rain, then sleet, then severe icing accumulating. This type of attack does rather large damage to the struck area."
The only work required is for the switching and control; very inexpensive, almost free. This is rigorously ASYMMETRIC regauging of the potential energy of the storm. Therefore it is easily possible – using scalar interferometry already possessed by more than 10 nations and groups – to dramatically enlarge storms and their energy (and therefore the magnitude of a hurricane), and also to use that free asymmetric regauging energy to then do real physical work (including ENORMOUS physical work) to steer, divert, and propel the storm. Speed up and slow down is also readily done.
At the same time the scalar interferometer operators also will use similar techniques to divert, change, and steer the jet streams and winds in the path or area, so that the exact steering direction desired is easily achieved.
This weapons platform has been operational since 1963 with Russia’s woodpecker grid (so called for sounding like the hammering of a woodpecker) running since Bicentennial weekend July 4th 1976 and has remained turned on since that time! (Listeners can hear the wood pecker chirping on shortwave radios in the 3 to 30 Mhz range.)
When did the United States bring on line its weather altering technology? High-frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) based in Gokoma, Alaska --jointly managed by the US Air Force and the US Navy-- as part of the ("Star Wars") Strategic Defence Initiative (SDI) is the public test bed for this technology. Operated by the Air Force Research Laboratory's Space Vehicles Directorate, HAARP constitutes a system of powerful antennas capable of creating "controlled local modifications of the ionosphere". Scientist Dr. Nicholas Begich --actively involved in the public campaign against HAARP—describes it as "[a] super-powerful radiowave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere [upper layer of the atmosphere] by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything -- living and dead."
Recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the ability of potentially triggering floods, droughts, hurricanes and earthquakes. From a military standpoint, HAARP is a weapon of mass destruction. The big guns likely remain well hidden underground and have certainly come online without a press release. -
How was Melbourne's 2008 Summer?
here in NY/NJ (USA) we probably had the coldest summer in a long time.
Beware of smooth talkers and swindlers.
Al Gore is getting rich by scaring people.
His mansion uses more energy (in a month) -VS- what I use in a year combined (house and auto).
good luck suckers
Eyes Open
Ad hominem?
Most scientists now accept global warning. But the major question is what is causing this to happen. Some feel it is just a cycle. Others feel that man is contributing to it. Since scientists don't really know, it is almost impossible for the average person to guess.
The one thing I do know is that I would rather fault on the side of caution than to wake up one day to find that we ignored the possibility that man was one of the leading contributor and did nothing about it. We've seen the pictures of the melting ice sheets, the loss of rain forests and the exploitation of our natural resources. Isn't it time we at least re-evalute our own priorities?
forests burn down without man's intervention. (happens alot in the earths history)
earthquakes and hurricanes have always been there (even paul got into one)
ice ages come and go.
You're right, we should try our best to clean up the earth, but the fact IS that Someone (al gore) IS cashing in on our fears!
We would be pompous as the GB, IMO to just assume its all fear-based money sucking political garbage. The planet is changing, we as a species have some responsibility in considering our possible role in this change and acting on it. Otherwise, we are no better than those religious fanatics who bury their heads in the sand and refuse to even contemplate the possibility that they are wrong.