My Guarantee........................

by Warlock 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    If you haven't seen this episode of the TV '30 Days', you might enjoy it. An anti-gun activist moves in with a gun fanatic for 30 days. During this time, she receives weapons training and works at a local gun shop. She also meets a family that was the victim of a violent intruder. Overall, the show presents many of the issues in a very balanced manner. It's about 30 minutes long or so.

  • jgnat

    My guarantee that if everyone were equally weaponless - and led by example - everyone would treat each other with respect.

    The Master said, 'If you try to lead the people by means of regulations and to order their life by means of punshiments, they will try to avoid them without any conscience whatsoever. If however, you try to lead them by your own moral power to order their life by means of rituals, their consciences will act, and they will flock around you.' (Confucius - ii. 3)

    A study on the possibility of a weaponless world.

    The effectiveness of police has more to do with the perception of lawfulness and fairness, than the power of the weapon.

  • funkyderek


    I guarantee you, if everyone in the United States were allowed to carry a gun on their hip, people would treat each other with alot more respect.

    Care to back that up with anything other than your worthless "guarantee"?

  • Warlock
    Even children, convicts, the mentally unstable and the mentally retarded?

    Come on, FS.


  • bbinkss

    Even in England where I can 'gaurantee' most people you meet are not carrying guns, the world is a scary place!

    The thought of everybody carrying one doesn't bear thinking about!


  • jaguarbass

    75% of the automobiles in Florida have guns in them.

    Thats pretty much everyone.

    I'm reluctant to give someone the bird.

    Does that make me polite?

  • Homerovah the Almighty
    Homerovah the Almighty

    Yes in the BizarreO world

    Maybe Warlock you should present the idea to your local politician

    OK kids off to school now , here's your lunch and I packed your guns in your lunch box, don't forget if your going to shoot to release the safety.

    Thanks Mom......

  • Dorktacular

    Um... in America everyone (by everyone I mean American citizens 21 and over who isn't a convicted felon) is allowed to carry a gun on their hip. You can carry a holstered weapon and you don't even need a permit. That's the law pretty much everywhere except for those few nutty cities where handgun ownership is outlawed. And those cities that have outlawed gun ownership are in trouble now because those laws have been declared unconstitutional. By the way, if you happen to live in one of those cities where handgun ownership is illegal, you know just how bad the crime rates are.

    If you do chose to carry a gun around in a holster, be prepared to be asked questions constantly by people who are ignorant of the law, and that includes law enforcement officials who are ignorant of the law.

    What you can not do is carry a concealed weapon without a permit. The reason many people choose to get a consealed weapons permit isn't because they want to conceal their weapon, it's to avoid the unwanted attention that carrying a holstered weapon causes.

    I carry a concealed weapon on occasion and nobody ever knows I have it. If you know I have it, then that means I'm about to use it on you. After 11 years of carrying a concealed weapon, I've never had to fire it outside of a gun range. And no, I have never contemplated shooting someone because they flipped me the bird in traffic or called me a name. It's to defend my life, not my pride or feelings. I don't want to use it, but if I have to I will.

  • BurnTheShips

    Robert A. Heinlein: An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.

    I carry.


  • BurnTheShips

    This is from 2006. I wonder how many states have now adopted this law?

    Shoot First — No Questions Asked

    On October 1, the Shoot First Law went into effect in Florida, giving the people of Florida permission to use deadly force as a FIRST resort, even in a public place. The law grants sweeping criminal and civil immunity to anyone who pulls the trigger when they feel "threatened" -- and specifically denies legal recourse to innocent bystanders killed or wounded in the crossfire, even if the shooter acted negligently.

    But the Shoot First doctrine isn't just staying in Florida -- the NRA has made no bones about the fact that it plans to export Shoot First legislation to all 50 states in 2006.

    Is this law in your state now?

    I live in Florida, and yes, it is the law here. It is not the "shoot first" law, this is just spin as is the rest of the blurb you post. The law states that I am not legally obligated to flee an attacker, I can stand my ground, and defend myself.


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