My Guarantee........................

by Warlock 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • dawg

    "Japanese culture is deeply religious, more so than even the United States. It is also highly syncretic"

    You don't know what you're talking about....the Japanese are the least religious culture in the world, didn't you read that study I posted where it correlated religion with violence and mentioned the Japenese as the least religious?

    No guns, less violence, no religion, less violence... the studies prove this as fact; show me a study that says otherwise

  • daniel-p

    I suppose things were quite peaceful in the Wild West....

  • BurnTheShips
    I suppose things were quite peaceful in the Wild West....

    Hollywood has made it seem otherwise, but actually, the West was not so wild as you might think. BTS

  • jgnat

    Relentlessness is not the same as intelligent and well-thought out, BTS. I do wish you would take the time to follow through on what I am saying.

  • daniel-p

    Burn: Based on...? (There are history books and museums... in fact, I don't even have a TV).

  • BurnTheShips
    You don't know what you're talking about....the Japanese are the least religious culture in the world, didn't you read that study I posted where it correlated religion with violence and mentioned the Japenese as the least religious?

    Japanese religious tradition permeates their culture. BTW, you can be religious while maintaining a personal atheism. I've seen it before.

    No guns, less violence

    Tell that to UK and Australia: they saw their violent crime rates soar after banning weapons. Also, look at DC, some of the worst crime rates in the country despite the gun ban. There is a mountain of evidence demonstrating this. Do I really need to go there? Florida has seen its crime rates fall, despite, or should I rather say because, of its relaxing the regulation for law abiding residents.

    , no religion, less violence... the studies prove this as fact; show me a study that says otherwise

    So no love between a man and a domestic violence. It's a bad argument you are making!

    Why is there religion at all, of any kind? It enlightens people about the meaning of life, of how they should live their lives. Religion helps give meaning to human existence for a great many people. I know it does for me. To destroy religion would mean destroying something that gives life meaning.

    Yes, religious belief creates a potential for violence, but it is not necessarily violent. My religion does not command or compel violence from me in any way. Many things create potentials, it does not make them intrinsically bad. Also, religion, more than other things, tends to intertwine with culture. The actions of a violent/misogynistic culture easily get blamed on religion, which is only one salient aspect of the host culture.

    Finally, your comparison of different societies is simplistic, to say the least. There are many factors other than religion that account for societal violence as well.


  • BurnTheShips
    Burn: Based on...? (There are history books and museums... in fact, I don't even have a TV).

    I don't have a source, but I have read it several times before. OK here is one, not one I've read, it is also (accidentally) an endorsement of anarchistic, self organizing society: BTS

  • Eyes Open
    Eyes Open
    Eyes Open: I choose not to rely on your guarantee, Warlock.
    Burn: Then you choose to be a sheep. You are at the mercy of the shepherd.

    I beg your pardon? Please explain.

    Becuase I choose not to trust a statement from a member of this board to the extent whereby I accept their guarantee of something I am at the mercy of someone/something where as if I did accept it I wouldn't be?

    Does this mean that those who place trust in Warlock's guarantee are free-thinking, responsible, empowered individuals?

    I don't claim to know what would happen if everyone in the United States were allowed to carry a gun on their hip - maybe it would increase respe... I mean fear. But I'm not particularly keen to find out right now.

    What would the school kids do with them?

  • daniel-p

    Burn, you said: "There are many factors other than religion that account for societal violence as well."

    You're completely correct. This statement also infers that the OP is wrong.

  • Momma-Tossed-Me

    I agree that everyone does not need a gun. I can think of several that do not have a record and would qualify to have one but do not need one.

    Alright lets think about this logically.

    Say, we inact a gun ban, and ban all guns from public citizens leaving only guns in the hands of law enforcement.

    The GOVERNMENT begins confiscating guns from all citizens and begins a WAR ON GUNS, sound familiar, if not let me refresh your memory, WAR ON DRUGS. Billions with a B have been spent since this war started 36 years ago!

    Now what have we just accomplished here with this legislation?

    We have forced guns underground. Check!

    We have disarmed law abiding citizens who own guns responsibly. Check!

    We have started a war that will cost the tax payers billions of dollars for many years. Check!

    We have caused gun running to become a profitable illgal venture that otherwise law abiding citizens get involved voluntarily and involuntarily (say you are a wife, daughter or son of a gun runner who forces you run guns). Check!

    We remove guns from criminals hands. Not a chance in hades!

    We add to an already heathy underground economy millions of dollars that go unreported and thus cost the taxpayers more. Check!

    We create another party platform that distracts from the real problems we face. Check! (I will win the war on guns! crowd cheers)

    We put thousands of more individuals into an already overpopulated prison system, that would not have been there had this legislation not been passed. Check!

    But to be fair let's prepare the otherside of the argument.

    How many people, men, women and children die from gun related deaths per year? 29,569 but you must minus 45% off of that because of suicide and you get 16,263. That is a lot!

    Children die needlessly from Gun's each year. (Not really, children die because of irresponsible gun owners)

    Criminals can more easily get guns. (Sure if they can get someone to buy them a weapon then yes they can get a gun. But if you take that avenue away from them, they will probably not ever get on will they. Believe me if they want it they can get it.)

    People won't responsibly own guns. (Really, then why are gun classes required in most states inwhich a teacher can ask a student to leave if they feel that he/she will not be a repsonsible gun owner and not give them a certificate of completion)

    Here are some facts to consider:

    How many Americans die in auto crashes each year? 299,398 Americans. (Wow! So what should we do about that? A war on Cars! Let's repeal the legislation allowing federal highways and rip up the roads. There will be more automobile deaths because of the hybrid cars that are becoming so popular now a days in the near future.)

    How many die in the war on drugs each year? About 200 officers yearly. No outcry about America's finest who otherwise would not have died from this war.

    65,000 violent crimes are prevented each year by guns, and many of those could have resulted in death. We don't know how many because the victim didn't die!

    There are other sources that say millions but I believe those to be propoganda, but I do believe that millions of violent crimes do happen each year.

    So the proof is in the numbers folks. So yeah let's get the War on Guns started, fortunately only two of mine are registered the others will be in my house to protect my family should the need arise as most assuredly it will when we give the criminals the upper hand.


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